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To possession of a good residential style gas gathering must have three basic conditions, one environmental position, the second is the construction of the pattern is good, three is the momentum. hub of the rail mode of human relations. Mingxian non Fubo things, Gordon Adams Road is also incompetent. environment is very important location, some locations where the reason is one that is comfortable and cozy feeling; front hall wealth, after the Wenchang bureaucracy, Ji Lixiang and, because of good housing in addition to facing good roads to facilitate smooth traffic flow , good location outside of the environment, and the pattern of four positive,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-pro-c-9.html]beats by dre sale[/url], with a reasonable, wide field of vision, lighting and ventilation, vibrant energy, however, a position the following ten best not to build houses, it's best not to buy real estate in these areas for residential. First, the overpass next to the overpass next to the traffic is not as convenient, and high-speed passage of vehicles and noise generated by the vortex flow will produce harm occupants, of course, feng shui of the building will produce gas produced great wealth thrusting , health and wealth of households are the official transport disadvantage. Second, the cross along the roadside, because the intersection of Avenue of the impact force and the overpass is almost, but also the dusty, living here, have no peace of daily living. Third, near high-voltage tower and radio tower, because these places will have a very strong electromagnetic wave, if the long-term exposure to such a strong body of electromagnetic waves, it will make people nervous system and immune system damage, may cause a variety of more serious disease, so best not to live in these places. Fourth gas station, filling stations and vehicles between the potential of fire a lot of noise, will the Home irritability. Fifth, in the glass wall opposite the living reflection of the glass curtain wall is people have a sense of oppression, followed by the reflected sunlight, the formation of light pollution on human health is very negative. Sixth, balcony or master bedroom not being on the road was a straight line, otherwise the house will be the road of red evil, bad for your health. seven a balcony or master bedroom is on the corner or corners near the building, like a wedge, into residential centers, Feng Shui called knife evil, living in the homes give the impression that this unbearable, and I feel bad, of course, health would be adversely affected. eight is built next to the house near the railway the train is fast, high-speed train travel will have a very strong vortex flow, and steam whistles tweet, people can not be peace, human health detrimental. nine residential buildings around the high, their homes is very small, outward vision is obscured, giving a sense of siege, the development will be seriously affected. Ten is residential balconies and windows can not see the cemetery , cemetery and other unclean things, or the face of factory chimneys, the occupants of the psychological impact will be subject to large, or even often nightmares, bad for your health-Eleven is a residential not too close to the mountain away from the soft, as soft The mountain may decline when a large torrential rains, could have serious consequences. To choose a good residential position, must understand the nature, use and transform the nature, the natural response to the four principles must not be careless, look carefully to the surrounding environment in order to achieve clear, with confidence. Second, the pattern of coordination goes: the portal is crowned. If this predicament, is a matter of Yan Ya, and it is on the guitar. go will feel refreshed and inspiring; while some houses are feeling depressed dull, sitting restless? This is the pattern of strengths and weaknesses of each. four spacious, open and aboveboard, layout coordination pattern is excellent choice for home while the following types of housing is to be evasive: First, the door is on the elevator or stairs, is a serious conflict, originally housing the health of the gas gathering, and now with the elevator, stairs straight right, Inside the residence of his anger was exhaustively absorb, can be described as taboo. remedy rule is to use the screen in the entrance or vestibule separated by two doors and a balcony as a straight, but also need to screen or separate entrance, because the front and rear transparent, can be a seen through the door and balcony, saying goes: , on the home, the more unfavorable, the pattern is called xanthone sword, if no screen door barrier, we should not live. Fourth, if the house windows open in the corridor outside, the pattern is discouraged, the privacy of the vanished house , the home also will suffer. In addition, the windows of the house is too discouraged, too few windows of the house, the less angry, are considered inauspicious, should be changed. five, not being on the toilet door to door, a door to see Imagine people to the toilet, the residential function of what? In addition, sleep with the door not being on the toilet doors, bedroom and bedroom doors not being on, which are made a red door. VI, the toilet door and the kitchen door even if the Together, the toilet door should keep in mind always closed, so by the foul gas wash. seven, housing, living room or dining room, the beams can not remember if suppressed beds and seats, and high ceilings should not the top eight, inside the home so as not to There are too many sharp corners, modern high-rise residential living in many diamond-shaped, often have sharp corners appear, not only evil spirits, and lost the harmony that living room. if such a situation, should the Cabinet or a short cabinet restocking in the air corner of the office and if do not want to display cabinets, you can put a pot of tall and dense evergreen plants placed in the angular position, which can reduce the impact of sharp corners of the living room feng shui. Third, the pattern of the bedroom is a bedroom degree of life place over a lifetime a third time, air intake closed, were this the bedroom is not the size of the stress, is that quiet, friendly and peaceful environment is the ideal living environment. There are a few things to note: the bed is the most important bedroom furniture, beds generally preferred north-south,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-pro-c-9.html]beats by dre sale[/url], follow the magnetic attraction, but some people's houses and what information you need go to the swing bed. bedroom should not be beam press, in order to avoid repression, but also detrimental to the body and mind. bed can not be near the door, another was placed on the entrance side of the bed, this is a house of taboo. house dressing table mirror is not according to the pillow-bit, or easily disturbed sleep, lack of energy. bedside cabinet over bed should be slightly higher, facilitating the enhancement of the quality of sleep and wisdom, and improve sleep quality. Fourth, the interior decoration and furnishings, said: residence hall is dark, Wall or pictures can be added to make up for deficiencies, such as peony or Sunflower, masculinity can be harvested, in addition to paintings should be honest content is appropriate to avoid solitary Wu things and if landscape painting hanging In the hall, the house to watch their water potential to flow, not to drain. because of the small mountain master water wealth, inward flow of water into the treasure is, for the loss of money flowing out. ship to house painting to make the bow, to avoid a Outside, the small financial loss to a person, who wealth and fortune to enter, at all rewarding. auspicious calligraphy and painting of home, including the symbol of wealth and splendor of the peony flower painting, every year more than a symbol of the lotus and koi figure, a symbol of health and longevity The evergreen pine and cypress chart, etc. As for the Because the clock can be hung in these places there are five major functions, one wealth and fortune, the second is evil gas and the third is to help owners fortune, four subordinates of management, five on account of the time, but if the clock hanging sensible gas law, hanging in the wrong place to die, the clock can not be positive inward, should be directed to the direction of the door or balcony as well .3, home goldfish. Goldfish often referred to as feng shui fish, feng shui can make up for defects on the home and the residential full energy, causing life, but must pay attention to the size of the tank to be moderate, not piled up around other debris, can not position opposite the stove, because the stove is a fire place, and water phase grams can not have dead fish, fish tanks can not be placed above the God of Wealth as .4, the green room should be placed. lucky bamboo can be placed in the hall, Pachira, symbolizing the vibrant, oxygen, beneficial to the room. do not insist on seasonal flowers, but it must be evergreen evergreen, If wither, you need to often change, so that more dynamic .5 room,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-pro-c-9.html]beats by dre sale[/url], whether occupied unoccupied room, the room's doors and windows should be normally open normally closed, so that the momentum flow, air update, so that own door. consideration of .7, some people like to use gossip mirror, wind chimes and other items, but also unknown regulatory reasons, so the family can not be used indiscriminately, so pernicious and if the pattern of flaws, it is best to plant decoration or to resolve .8, room color: the color of the room white, yellow, blue, green, various color is better, wood color can, avoid using black, less gray. ceiling color should be light not heavy, because the ancient world is just beginning to open chaotic one, and its later differentiate into the second gas, gas voicing were sinking for the land, so only points of heaven and earth. the living room ceiling, a symbol of light a lighter color; general in white, yellow and light blue-based, a symbol of reciting the blue sky, and white is a symbol of white clouds, while the color of the floor should be a little dark colors, light in weight to meet the day meaning V. Ten new residential element of choice in recent years, new residential units, ancillary and other indicators are changing every year, according to my observation in recent years found new homes, housing choice and room decoration should pay attention to the following aspects: 1, housing must have eight functions can now design has less than eight functional units, namely, living, dining, kitchen, bed, storage, work and study, and a balcony. For developers, the If the missing features, the house is not easy to sell. For buyers, the lack of a certain function, it is difficult to hedge the .2 house, apartment suites to be of increasingly high-rise and high-rise residential development to the apartment, a floor is arranged as little as possible tenants now most of the layout of two, up three, only a fine point. Such populations are often modular design splicing, not only can meet each family's privacy at the same time adequate housing can meet the lighting and ventilation. 3, three-facade building facade to stress should be used three-color design that is the bottom, middle and upper. the bottom of the wall to the deep brown of color. three sections of legislation both vertical and horizontal lines, large decorative surface, but also pay attention to the use of glass, cast iron, tile, stainless steel and other building materials and air conditioning board, bump window configuration, with a strong, modern texture and rich layering .4, double room should be miniaturized; double Housing has been popular for many years, this year there are double rooms miniaturization trend over the last double room at least 200 square meters each, and now the total area of ​​control, there 150-180 square meters of the bottom and top are residential duplex structure design, and some are double .5 the whole building, balcony south balcony used for activities or placing flowers, and North Terrace is set up in recent years become popular recently increasingly more emphasis on North Terrace multi-functional, not only making the auxiliary space between the kitchen, at the same time began to consider placing washing machines in the North balcony. Some of them also designed as semi-enclosed balcony north, so that washing machines have a 6, storage room storage room despite being widely used, but in the past half-closed mostly simple layout and now has a fully enclosed storage rooms made into an independent type of space, like a regular small room. and some even consider the storage room inside design, making it more beautiful and practical .7, separated by a concave-convex wall has always been flat interior walls, partition walls, however, is now a bump, buyers can be embedded in some of the furniture or bookcases, and some clever use of bump-separated decorated with rich layers of natural furnishings .8, now it has hall into the living room, design has been widely used. the living room floor with a south-facing balcony door, restaurant north with a table, some of the living room to raise 20-30 cm, resulting in the Hall distinguishes between two functions of .9, a small pocket size three hall room is still widespread near-term demand, but the total area tend to be small. Many houses have three hall of 110 square meters within the control area, called ; pocket-sized three-bedroom. due to the specific needs of family life .10, residential garden area of ​​the environment green environment increasingly to as a whole, while maximizing green space, and so the echo between the buildings as well as identification of the addition, as people's incomes rise, people buy cars is rapidly increasing, so parking in residential areas location must be adequate, otherwise it will bring a lot of trouble to the household, which has caused many developers and home buyers attention of the ten principles of modern Feng Shui feng shui theory, what is it? actually geography,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-pro-c-9.html]beats by dre sale[/url], geology, astrology, meteorology, landscape, architecture, ecology and human life, information science and other disciplines of a comprehensive integrated natural science whose purpose is prudent to examine carefully, to understand the natural environment, in harmony with nature, use sparingly and transform nature, to create a good environment for living and survival, won the best timing and place and people, to the realm of Heaven's perfection. It is based on the pursuit of Feng Shui theory and practice in the long-term development process , accumulated a wealth of practical experience, but also by theoretical thinking, learn from the fusion of ancient and modern science, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics, and religion, folklore, etc., many of wisdom, eventually forming a content rich, comprehensive very unique and systematic theoretical system - Modern Feng Shui. summed up in ten principles. First, the principle of the whole system on the overall system, as a complete science, it is produced in this century; as a simple method, very early Chinese philosophers used the. Fengshui theory ideas to the environment as a whole system, the human-centered system, including all things. Each subsystem environment are interrelated and mutually constraining, interdependence, against each other, into each of the elements. Feng Shui macro function is to grasp the relationship between the coordinate system, optimize the structure, to find the best combination of Feng Shui is fully aware of the integrity of the environment. the situation for the body to spring for the blood to the skin of land to grass for the hair to care homes for the clothes, the portal for the crowned, if the predicament is something Yea, and it is on the guitar. Joseph Yao Yan in the for the blessing, the plot outlet collections million gold. off evil two side accessible, being busy, but so bright. Modern Feng Shui is the basic point. Second, the principle of local conditions due to the system at home, that, according to the objectivity of the environment, natural way of life suitable to take. When the pre-Qin Jiang Taigong promote local conditions, vast, very different climate, soil is not the same, architectural forms are also different. Northwest drought, people cave to cave-style living. cave bit more south, simple construction, not for land, material saving, fire cold, winter cool in the summer, people can live longer, more chickens lay eggs. southwestern wet and rainy, insects many animals, people live to dry Lanna-style bamboo house. and floor home, boarding ladder and on the number of dry Lanna. Mongolian herders used for residential, with the plants and to facilitate the migration. Guizhou mountain people with a mountain of stone and marble room, these architectural forms are based on specific local conditions were established in China many buildings are adapted to local conditions of the existing model. Hubei Wudang Mountain of Taoism spots, the Yongle Emperor Zhu Di had sent 300,000 mountains Xiumiao, command not allowed off hilltops alterations, we can only compete with the terrain and the palace walls puzzle made in China is a pragmatic country, according to local conditions is a practical manifestation of thinking, according to actual conditions, adopt practical and effective way, people and buildings suitable for natural, back to nature, reverting to simplicity, nature and man, this is the true meaning of Feng Shui. Third, the principle of yard is a yard One of the most basic principles of Feng Shui. mountain is the skeleton of the earth, water is the source of all life, without water, people can not survive. almost all archaeological discoveries of primitive tribes in the river terraces, which were hunting and fishing, picking the economy to adapt. the mountain of the situation there are two types, one is Zhang Guying village is in this terrain. Iori mufu Mountain Mountains stretches far, three processes in the Northeast, West three large peaks, such as the owner into a three lotus petals. Xuande years of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Guying to live here, five hundred years to develop more than six families, hehe more than 3,000 of the Han, the village more than eight hundred houses complicit, young and old pecking order, live Anning Xiang and life. Another form of the mountain, ;, branding piece housing covers over the hills, from the foot up to the mountainside. pier along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in the town are like, back comb the hillside, up the stairs, imposing appearance. nearly century-old building in the green of Wuhan University Luojia foothills of the designers to fully take into account the specific feng shui, mountain building, dormitory close to the hillside, the walls curved like ring, with a gate-shaped entrance. side platform to the openings of the hole axis of the city , library center, classroom building separation on both sides. master ordered, strict symmetry. The school was a natural trend, there is strong castle, showing the institutions of higher education Hongdae style. Six Dynasties ancient capital of Nanjing, bordering the Yangtze River, surrounded by the mountains, Huju dragon trend. Qinhuai its four sides were river, along the mountainous Angeles, from southwest to northeast Stone Mountain, Ma On Shan, the shogunate Hill; east Zhongshan; west rich mountain; south egret Chau Island and the formation of long-lived Jiajiang. Kai Ming has high praise, saying: view of the situation observed shape of the principle of the Qing Dynasty environment, environmental study put the NPC of China's geographical situation, there is every 8 degrees a large zonal structure, such as the Tianshan latitudinal structure dates Yin; Kunlun Mountains dates Qinling zonal structure. trend, there must be between two mountains River carry on. Okawa way must carry on. Hill, to the southeast extension of the three Dragon, from the North Long Yin, into the Helan Mountain, Shanxi, Taiyuan, since, crossing length. Minshan by the entry of the dragon, the sea to the Mount of South Long from the Yunnan-Guizhou, Hunan, Fujian, Zhejiang and into the sea. Each has a large dry Long Dragon, branch dragon, real dragon, false dragon, dragon, Qianlong, Sempron, feng shui survey first to find out the ins and outs, comply with the Dragon's direction. Dragon's shape and situation are different, thousand feet for the potential, accomplished by the shape, the potential is long-term, form a close up. is a form of worship potential, the potential of the product shape is there potential and tangible, visible and known potential, the potential is located, the shape is within. potential, such as city walls wall, the shape of the balcony door first. potential is undulating peaks, the hills form a single seat. identify potential but difficult, concept of shape is easy. to the potential for the dragon, if the Chi Ma, Flow of the wave, For the large and strong, different and special, and along the line. shaped to thick, accumulation, possession of gas in the case of Dragon gathered at a mountain towards the better. Dachaoshan case is similar to the mountain toward the desk of arch-shaped mountain, surrounded by the monarch as civil and military officials North-wind case of the mountain can be bent and very interesting feeling, such as Song right is tiger, high for the former case, Huainan mountains for the second case, the third case of South Wuling, so ancient and modern capital of the land than Ji, with the bulk of the so-called no wind, there is water in the world. This is the Beijing city center, the country toward the mountains for the case to illustrate the geographical advantages of Beijing from the environment to observe the small environment, he will know little of the outside world by the constraints and environmental impact, such as water, climate, products, and geological etc. Any one out of the house to show good and bad, are determined by the environment, like the Chinese Qiemo, thin string from the virtual pulse of the ***, tight sliding drifting Chi Su, can know the general condition of the body, because it is cardiovascular function by the state of the decision and only the situation perfectly, just the perfect house to each build a city, each cover a building, a factory for each repair, should Xiankao mountains of the environment. Think big, start small, must first worry about, then the rich is large. five principles of feng shui ideas on geological testing is very particular about the geology, even critical, that decides the physical geology, modern science to prove this is not alarmist. geology on the human body at least the following four areas: First, the soil contains zinc, platinum, selenium, fluoride, etc., hitting the air during photosynthesis delegated directly affect people's health. Ming Wang with the track in the The words to the cloud of people: not at all the reproductive capacity of tin, the enemy will be poor and migration. by the growth of a plant-specific geology, the human body, physical fitness, fertility has affected the second, wet or smelly rotten geology, will lead to arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, skin disease, etc. This land is wet bacteria corruption natural training base, is to produce the source of various diseases, therefore, should not build houses. Third, is the Earth's magnetic field the earth is a planet surrounded by magnetic fields, people feel it's there, but it is time for people occurrence of a role. a strong magnetic field can cure, it can hurt, or even cause dizziness, drowsiness, or neurasthenia, Chinese ancestors have long recognized the magnetic field, who, under the copper-gold. , to get guitar hole. fung shui master used to say boulders and sharp corners on the doors and windows was not right, actually worried about rock emitted magnetic interference on the doors and windows in the household. The fourth wave is harmful impact on residential land if 3 m underground river, or a double-cross the river, or have holes, or have a complex geological structure, are likely to radiate long Discovering or radiation or pollution particles, resulting in a headache, dizzy spin, endocrine disorders and other symptoms. more four cases, the old feng shui master to know these I wonder why they can not be explained with scientific truth, in practice, consciously or unconsciously, to take evasive action or to make it a mystery. some feng shui in the ground phase, in person, with hand grinding, mouth taste the soil, and even digging wells look deep soil,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-pro-c-9.html]beats by dre sale[/url], water, bent ear listening to groundwater flow and sound, these seemingly bumbling, in fact, justified. six, figuring out how the principles of water quality analysis of water quality in it? gas, identified air tasted of water. the color of Bi, the ignorant Gan, the color of incense, the main on you. the color white, the Mei-ching, the ignorant temperature, the master of your its pale, their ignorant Sim, the air strong, the main Under expensive. bitter sour if made steamed bread, less than on. seek the best good possession. , the local life of the disease on to the springs soak, also effective than medication. after after tests found water contains a large number of radioactive elements nitrogen. flow ocher to coated cattle disease. found that the spring water contains large amounts of cyanide acid, hydrogen chloride, which is toxic killing giant creatures. For in this water is not built around the villages of China's most developed spring with a value, called the springs in Jinan City, Shandong, Fujian Province, found that mineral water point 1590, ranking the highest in the provinces, which for medical, drinking mineral water 865. Guangxi phoenix hill has eyes milk spring, spring spring milk like juice, used in tea, tea does not taste one week. Yongfeng, Jiangxi Fu River Township nine ridges on the foot of a one square meter The smell spring, spring like the kind of draft beer Gan Mei Ching Road Suanku due to underground mineral spring water is filtered through often contain sodium, calcium, magnesium, dredging and other minerals to the oral, washing, bathing, no doubt benefit health. Feng Shui theory advocates examine the ins and outs of water, Differentiation and Analysis of water quality, control water flow, optimize the water environment, this principle is worthy of further study and promotion. seven, facing south in the Earth's northern hemisphere, China principle, in eastern Eurasia, large part of the land is located in the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23 degrees 26) to the north by the southern sun all year round shooting people. south of the house easy to take the sun. the benefits of the sun a lot of people: First, you can warm in winter, than the South l to the north of the high temperature 2 degrees; the second is the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, often in children may be anti-Koh floor sun disease; third, the sun's ultraviolet light sterilization, especially for diseases transmitted through the respiratory tract to eliminate strong bacteria; Fourth, can enhance immune function. faces south, not only for lighting, but also to shelter the Chinese topography determine its climate is monsoon type. the cold Siberian winter, cool in summer with the Pacific, one year variable wind direction changing seasons. oracle bone inscriptions with wind records. East wind home, in February also. warm air, warm air, that the solar wind, then no harm. who suffered the north west breeze, wind, that the chilly wind, masking should be nearly the case, otherwise the cold wind and bone, the main consist in the small thin bad defeat. South, the North Canton, shock East against the West. Third, the B Ganzhi East, South probucol, Keng-hsin of the West, Jen-kuei to the north. to Earthly Branches of a child in the north, afternoon for the South. Fourth, as the black dragon in the East, West, for the white tiger, the South of Suzaku, north of basalt. or called: Xing Gunji layout: center hall, the door wing its former Qiao, , home for the body, cultivate love *, to Spirit, the greater odds. eight, moderate center moderate principles, that is just right, impartial, a medium, not high, not low, to optimize, close to the goodness and beauty. Mongolia's geography means clever but not bad. said: and points to coordinate housing, large and small have coordination, housing adults less ominous, housing scarcity was not right, room door a big guitar, room door Little Kat. Qing Wu was tripod in the to be the foundation Founder, neatly between the frame, the East West shrinking surplus, given the small financial loss. Tai Ping Yu Lan all, because it ranks among the world. differential land rent price is based on the extent to which middle Banks and only in the downtown shopping center to get the maximum benefits. moderate principles also requires prominent center, neat layout, additional facilities closely around the axis in a typical feng shui landscape, has a central axis, the axis parallel to the Earth's meridian to the north-south extension of the northern end of the axis of the best in the mountains is rampant, the formation of Ding type combination, preferably with large south Mingtang (plain) side of the axis of the things that have surrounded the building, as well as bend of the river. Mausoleum of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Qing Dynasty garden is built in accordance with this principle. nine, along the principles of feng shui theory by gas, gas is the origin of all things. Tai Chi is gas, stretch the plot was born two appearances, with his life three and five elements, earth was the gas, water, we got gas, who we got gas, air sense and should be, not at all Mo gas. As the season changes, changes in the sun-infested, so angry with the position change. a different month, angry and dead air in different directions. angry for the guitar, dead air is fierce. shall whichever Wang Xiang, consumptive control. Yin Party in March and April in the d B, Chen Xun side in May and June at the B Party C, Party D in the afternoon in July and August without Kun Fang, Shen G side in September and October in the unitary Xin Fang, Xu dry side in November and December in Hai Wang Fang. feng shui compass concept reflects the anger orientation, management style is very particular about this feng shui ... Related articles:

