
UGG SaleWang Yong, the son of teachers want to take over private firm does not permit his wife

lost shoe, Chan can not walk, coupled with distressed bought pink sandals, Wang Yong, the little girl lying on the back, cried all the way back home. In order to coax her happy, Yong specifically bought a new pair of sandals to her.

third year of Wang Jiao also remember one year the spring, just setting up the wooden bridge into the river flooded,UGG Sale, and only faintly see the bridge, she did not dare cross the bridge, is the jump Yong the river to go, blocked off with her body, she rubs up against dare step by step across the river.

sixth grade You Minglin, is where the largest group of children, Wang Yong had sent him for six years. This little boy is a long body, tall and Wang Yong has been nearly as high, and every time he Yong back across the river is very difficult.

Over time, the pressure on the shoulders of Wang addition to these children's weight, plus the lives of every one of them. In these students, there are two special children, they come from a very poor family,UGG Sale, 11-year-old sister were on the king, on the 3rd grade, she had congenital torticollis, always crooked neck Man , brother tempest fame and fortune, with severe cleft lip, lisp Chu, but because of a poor family, the parents can not afford to take them to the doctor.

Wang Yong, has become a piece of this heart, now, his greatest wish is to find good people to fund this sister and brother.

life and not come back.

boat, bridge, and the teacher's back

to cross the river, not from the natural vessels.

initially used to ferry students, Wang Yong own making is a small wooden boat. It is about 3 meters at its widest point is about 1 meter, one can only be transported on forty-five students. Most of the time, Wang Yong, a morning to be back and forth three or four times before the students are sent off shore to go.

2002, the county Department of Education to Wang Yong, the allotment of a large iron ship, the ship with a diesel engine, about 6 meters, 1.5 meters wide, one can transport 10 people, the speed also a lot faster. Yong finally bid farewell to the days of human paddle, which makes him happy for a long time.

However, whether wooden or iron vessels, cross the river, the Wang Yong and children are cautious, and then a lively child, immediately on the boat are also quiet.

education in Wang Yong, they have had some of these rivers is a sense of awe.

disembark when the oldest students in the first ashore, and then hand always has the bow, the second student, after landing, just hold the boat rope, let the boat looked out the back of another student disembarked, the last student is responsible for closing the cushion into the cabin. Only such students are safe ashore,

children are subjected to rigorous training Yong: frolicking allowed on board, when the river no waves, you can sit, once the big waves, the children have to be lying in the cabin, This can concentrate the focus of the

Nevertheless, 20 years, Wang Yong met many times, or danger.

Once, a girl fell asleep in the boat to shore, she stumbled underground boat, the bow rope was mixed with a tumble, falling to the river, but fortunately Yong's attention is focused, he quickly jumped into the river, the little girl saved up.

2002 summer, Wang Yong, the biggest ever met the Yalu River flood, the river's waves are 1 meter high, iron boat in the waves as Command the children lying in the cabin, his knees sail. Home watching the news and saw a lot of the Yalu River on the ship ran aground by the wind to the shore, while several also turned, he was a bit scared.

every autumn morning on the river are filled with thick fog, visibility is only two or three meters, often Bianbu Qing direction the boat will spin on the river for several hours, several times and from almost all other ships hit. Later, the river pulled over a telephone line, he let the older students lying on the bow, watching the trend lines can barely cross the river.

Sometimes, even a boat can not solve the problem.

every winter, the river ice, unable to sail, Wang Yong took the child, carefully through the ice. He walked in front, holding a long stick, hit the front of the ice, to determine whether the pedestrians.

the most dangerous one, in the winter of 1995. Wang Yong, a broken foot ice surface, 大半个身子 fell into Bingku, while he shouted to them not to close, while supporting the ice with his elbow and spent half an hour before from Bingku climb up. He trembling crawl back home, cotton and cotton-padded shoes are formed lump of ice, the body up and down, Arms around his mother and his wife crying painfully.

two times each year, Wang Yong is the most difficult.

some time in the winter, the river has not frozen, he would get less than four o'clock, a bucket of water on a burning, hot look of the machine on board, otherwise the machine did not start.

but this time, a time when the spring dry season, water level dropped more than 30 meters from the hillside, most parts of the river bottom are exposed, you can see plants and cracking of dry mudflats, that tin boat fleet lying in a bank, could not move.

use nearly eight years, the ship full of rust, broken bottom has a hole, Wang Yong, stuffed with wood pile, above the pressure of an iron and then only reluctantly will not leak . He is pondered, before the arrival of the wet period, we should ship iron ships rust, paint, and then look good repair.

but, at present, there are tens of meters wide river, blocking the road to school children. Every morning, he can only carrying the children to Wading River.

Yong nor is thought other way. Each spring, he will organize the village parents, to the mountains to cut wood in the river to build a temporary wooden bridge. May be of poor quality wooden bridge, if it rains the night, jumped the river the next day, the wooden bridge was washed away easily. So far this spring, has been built over two bridges, have been found traces of water will get.

back the children to cross the river, he deliberately set to be able to buy a pair of thigh barreled boots, but often, shoes are of no use, because barefoot, , is not easy to slip.

because of long-term immersion, Wang Yong, the legs are suffering from rheumatism, every disease, when his legs swollen starting a hot water foot.

I explain how and their parents ah? In 2007 he and his wife lived in a small newly built cottage, elderly parents, living not far from the ancestral house.

ancestral home has been built twenty years, fell into disrepair, the roof was black smoke Xunde, adobe fall down from time to time. Whenever it rains, four leaking, and even have flooded over the stove, there are many holes on the wall, there is often a snake crawled into the house.

village of Yong to send children to school, home, people are dissenting against the most intense, naturally the wife Ren Shumei, the most vicious fights, she even ran back to her parents live a few angry months.

the most direct opposition to reason, from the economy. Yong's family was not wealthy, although his monthly salary is 2000 to dollars, but his wife did not work, at home farming. His side to support two elderly people, while raising 18-year-old to high school in Kuandian son.

But over the years, he had an annual boat ride into the metal in the ship a few thousand dollars. To replace broken parts, from time to time to repair the hull, just a year of fuel costs, that is, one thousand yuan of money, these costs, most of them are Wang Yong pocket. Only when it is short of money, Wang Yong, the children's parents will be symbolic of the collection that oil money, 5 cents per day per child.

Moreover, Wang Yong, who's responsibility too. Once these children what had happened, he is likely to lose their jobs.

this end, several family members convened a family meeting, Yong asked to give up children to school, If he can put down the affair, the children how to do? Hesitation, he stuck with it. Not only that, now, his wife and parents have come to accept his

Ren Shumei childhood growing up in the river does not, at the beginning of the boating know nothing about. But Yong occasionally go out to learn, meet, no one pick on the kids to school, and now, she learned to sail, Wang Yong was not at home, she would take the initiative to replace.

sail thing, parents not much help, but the old people take the initiative and became a Every night, the elderly have to watch TV,Moncler Jackets, once they see what security incidents in the news, immediately tell Yong, asking him to be careful.

villagers here in addition to farming, most have some sideline - raising silkworms, grow some tobacco, may be because the transfer students, Wang Yong had to get up early and stay late every day, only a few acres of farmland thanks to his wife tends, because of staff

for his son, Wang Yong also has a wish, hope he can become a future teacher, his day is dry not too old to move, he can continue to take over their own ferry, so the village children We have availability of schools.

when he and others talking about this idea, the wife from time agreed. This inviting voice of rural women shouted: : I am of the day, the children will be able to go to school safety and security all day, my life, that is they. children, that is our. Beam on to the house that day, just to put a dozens of banquet tables, has to drink from 10 am 10 pm.

ordinary village people's This is not a small sum.

for Yong moving thing there are many.

monument Village, there is an unwritten rule. Before the Spring Festival every year, the village should

2010 the day before Chinese New Year morning, he had just opened the courtyard, saw a 70-year-old neighbor standing in the doorway, holding a big fish just marked the river. Said the old man, Wang Yong has been to send their grandchildren to school, and my heart sorry,

However, many things are not on the surface it looks like the harmony.

once bridges, Yong own money, spent 150 dollars. After a village cadres know, agreed with the village's account of the money, but has not been forthcoming. The second year, the village to re-election, the cadres and to come to that if vote for him, which was building bridges out of money by him, the results of this village cadres unsuccessful, building bridges from the dig is a pocket Yong .

metal jackets on board dispensed with 5, but Wang Yong to send the children now have six, he was only from low grade to high grade points, the greatest wanderers is not assigned, parents views , find Yong. He readily agreed and said: , although small, the situation is not clear but some parents feel that the!

Is money more important than the feelings you? April 12, this day, fast-flowing, Wang Yong, carrying a child is unable to cross the river. He borrowed from parents where a small metal boat.

This is just the spring season, the other day, Kuandian County also welcomed a snowfall, either side, the mountain also eyeful of snow is not visible in the dawn of the mapping, from mouth exhaled cold still clearly visible. Standing on the shore of the river people to keep warm, and all hands in pocket.

Wang Yong, the only past men. Small metal boat without oars, the teacher four get together, find a piece of wood instead of long. He was forced to ship the metal to promote the river and watch the children one by one in order on board.

installed on the boat seven or eight numbers of people, suddenly sank down, the water level has reached the edge of the ship's side. Wang Yong, standing on the bow, paddled gently with wooden water boats threw to move forward, see people live in fear. Behind him are the children quiet, carefully looking at the front of the river.

10 to the minutes, thou art to slide the boat across the river. Wang Yong, the children one by one arm off the boat, then they just turn the front of this piece of a huge scree, mountain and then took half an hour, you can reach the school.

from afar, these colorful carrying bags, wearing bright clothes, kids, dark river shore a bright one small point.

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