
Beats By DreWaterloo

Belgium Waterloo Battlefield Monument

card from the town of Waterloo, south of Brussels, Belgium, about twenty kilometers. Many other European countries with the same small town, Waterloo quaint and quiet town, not the number of features, but its name is resounding, even if it not understand people who are often the name of it hanging in the mouth side, talking about someone in a court case or a game failed, it must be said that so and so suffered a Waterloo. In 1815, Belgium Waterloo, Napoleon led the French army and the British, Prussian forces fought a fierce battle, the French defeat. Subsequently, the end of Napoleon to abdicate his political career. Waterloo used metaphor painful failure.

along the 226 steps up the stairs, to meet people on the summit is an awe-inspiring power and prestige of the iron lion, its front paws tightly seize a symbol of the world's iron ball, two eyes, This is the first lion weighing 28 tons, is said to commemorate the victory of allied forces in Europe, with French troops seized the guns cast made. Beizuo under iron lion is no inscription, only the inscription But is this a simple string of numbers, but 190 years ago people could not help think that the market impact of the historical process of the European war. Second-rate generals leading the war in victory June 18, 1815, to Napoleon Bonaparte as the commander of the French army and the Duke of Wellington to the British commander of coalition forces in Europe, where a thrilling start Armageddon. Both sides invested more than 140,000 troops, the war situation repeated several times, fierce fighting, a blood-red field. This battle lasted about 12 hours, the next morning, a royal letter carrier pigeon flew into the mouth, good news of Buckingham Palace in London, Europe's monarchs moment finally relieved that they finally know their military defeat a man mighty French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. In the world history of war, battle of Waterloo in front short,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], time is short, high-impact, the outcome is known for accidents. As Victor Hugo said, Waterloo is a class war, the victorious general is second-rate. As one of the reasons, also Victor Hugo The main artillery combat team struggling in the mud, the delay can not enter the position, so offensive gun fight late. Failure became a foregone conclusion. If not that heavy rains started earlier gun attack, war in the Prussian came up before the end, history will not be another way? This war is not only a complete end to Napoleon Bonaparte's military career and political life, the process of changing the history of Europe, but also filled with more than 60,000 of the large bones of the land with men always go down in history, as generation after generation of people pay homage to the ancient battlefield, Win fame and fortune does not make the winner the year the Duke of Wellington's General Staff Headquarters is located in Waterloo town, it is a two-storey small building, now Wellington Memorial. The Memorial has preserved the King of Belgium on Wellington's This title is always effective and can be hereditary and fief. Unfortunately, although Wellington is not a small profit, but failed to leave behind Wal-Mart. Come to pay homage to the ancient battlefield of international visitors, the museum is not difficult to find general Wellington. The strange thing is the win for the visitors in general do not seem interested in people who visited his memorial it is pitiful, and many people do not even know why for so many people in Wellington. Who came to Waterloo Napoleon Bonaparte were only aware of, I do not know Wellington, this really is a strange pile intriguing. In today's Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington stayed in this building in addition to a memorial outside the coalition high command could not find a general triumph of the memorial, memorial monument or something. Waterloo town has many small shops selling souvenirs, pictures or both of these souvenir medals are almost always the name of Napoleon Bonaparte's head and, it is difficult to see with the Wellington-related things. Wellington only hear or see the name of the place, under the iron Shifeng Waterloo War Memorial, where there are many pictures, objects and audio-visual products, they reproduce to the visitors after this war, which naturally would like to mention commander of the army warring parties. Many visitors here is the first time that Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo encounter opponents turned out to be an Englishman, and his name is Arthur - Wellesley (Duke of Wellington Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of Wellington). Failure to become noble loser in 1815, after a few days battle of Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled again. This time he was far exiled to an island on the Atlantic, at 17:49 on May 5, 1821 St. Helena Island Napoleon Bona Ma died, death was arsenic poisoning died, but there are were said to be dead, saying varied. However, Waterloo has been a definite proof, under the iron Shifeng memorial next to Napoleon Bonaparte, into the entrance of the town of Waterloo, the statue of General dwarf stands proudly in a tall cylindrical base. The French Emperor has always been arrogant, dressed in military uniform, the body slightly skewed, arms cross Baoxiong, eyes looking straight ahead. That air of casual self-confidence, as if the winner of a supercilious attitude. If Wellington was alive, I wonder if he would feel the statue of Napoleon Bonaparte. While the Belgians, the failure of the invaders to a statue standing in their own land, but it is need of extraordinary magnanimity. To do so, not only the respect of history, but also the respect of Napoleon Bonaparte. In the whole Europe including Belgium, hearts, Napoleon Bonaparte, although its cruel, violent and even the despicable side, it is still a great statesman, great generals, the real heroes. On the battlefield at Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte, although a complete loser, but his name with his spirit and his influence far outweighed his opponent, which will always remain in this ancient land. ====== ============== Symbolic win the war of Napoleon has been, until defeated at Waterloo, Napoleon was then imprisoned. So Waterloo is used to describe a turning point by the success to failure. 2 U.S. northeast Iowa town. Pro Cedar River. Population of 75,900, a large urban area of ​​about 137 900 (1980). Agriculture, livestock trade center zone. Canned meat, cream separators, tractors, farm machinery and other industries. Waterloo the biggest winner to start World War June 18, 1815, the French army commanded by Napoleon and Wellington, the British commanding general anti-French coalition in the outskirts of Brussels, Belgium to start World War Waterloo Village, which is the historic Battle of Waterloo. At dusk, anti-French coalition control of the battlefield initiative, defeat Napoleon's army has been set. A 名叫罗斯伍兹 informants quietly withdrew from the business battlefield, riding a horse toward Brussels, and then go to Ostend. Late at night, he jumped into a special permit for the Clippers. June 19 morning, he landed in the UK Fic Houston. His boss is waiting there in person. Boss took the letter, quickly opened the envelope, glanced battlefield title, and then rode straight to London Stock Exchange. This stock exchange stock exchange boss boss 名叫内森罗斯 Rothschild, and this 名叫罗斯伍兹 who is employed with Ross

Neisenluosi Rothschild

Rothschild family's business agent. Rothschild, founder of the family business is Meyer. Rothschild, Frankfurt, he was originally a goldsmith, was involved in banking. To 1800 when the Rothschild family has become the richest Jewish family in Frankfurt, Nathan Meyer is the third son. In 1798 he was sent to England to develop his father's Rothschild family banking business. Nathan is a decisive act of Ayutthaya deep bankers, to 1815, he should become the leading bank in London oligarchs, at the same time, large 哥阿姆斯洛 Nathan Rothschild in Frankfurt to take care of the family bank base camp, his brother Solomon in Vienna, Austria to establish a branch of the family of another bank, his fourth brother Karl in Naples, Italy, established a bank, and his five younger brother Jeames in Paris, France established a bank. Rothschild became the financial history of the most legendary international banking group. Strategic intelligence collection and delivery system as early as before the battle of Waterloo, the Rothschilds to set up their own strategic intelligence collection and delivery system. They live in rows of intelligence officers in major cities in Europe. Even more critical is that the intelligence system's efficiency and accuracy far more than the government's information network. For this reason, the Rothschild family to the first time that the results of the battle of Waterloo. Significant result of the battle of Waterloo is not only important in the military sense, but equally far-reaching impact on the financial sector. If the victory of Napoleon's army, then France will become the master of Europe,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], the UK bond prices will plunge; the contrary, if Napoleon's defeat, the British-led European, especially British government bonds rose will rise. Nathan's business in order at this time, most vividly demonstrated. Back in London Stock Exchange, he did not buy a lot of British government bonds, but the opposite, so traders sold a lot of British bonds. Caused by the massive sell-off, the British bond prices began to fall, more decline was followed by more selling thus creating a vicious cycle, a few hours later, the price of British bonds only five percent of the original price, this time, Nathan and a large number of British traders to buy bonds. The evening of June 21 to 11, the British army at Waterloo before the news of victory reached London. Rothschild family at this time due to hold large amounts of British government debt, the British government has become the largest creditor. This means that the British after the British government to tax income, the vast majority of banks have become a foregone conclusion and Rothschild, Rothschild family, which also control the economic lifeline of the British Empire. It was estimated that the Rothschild family in a day or two after the Battle of Waterloo earned money over a dozen years of war by Napoleon was. Nathan also does not hide his feelings of pride, he said: I do not care what kind of person to be placed on the throne up the sun does not rule this powerful empire. Who controls the British Empire's money supply controls the British Empire will come, and I control the money supply in the British Empire. With Kuangzhuan the battle of Waterloo, Rothschild family, the rapid expansion of forces, soon controlled the whole of the European financial markets. It was estimated that by 1850, the Rothschild family has accumulated 60 billion fortune, became the largest-ever financial empire. Since then, they first of all in the family established in the banking system without physical transport of gold accounts settlement system, which became the general rules of international finance today. More shocking is that even long-term control of their family on the international market price of gold, until 2004, announced its withdrawal. 1812, Mayer Rothschild died, before his death, he set a strict wills, and definitely not descendants of the family property to the outside world, he will indeed be descendants of the implementation of strict, so Until today, still no one can clearly say how much wealth the family in the end. But in the last two hundred years, the Rothschilds have been in control of Europe and the world's financial industry, which has always been an indisputable fact. Description of the battle of Waterloo, historians and writers to describe the many exciting, but they are rarely mentioned in the battle of the impact of the global financial industry --- although this effect does exist, we can see, we multi-faceted interpretation of history but also from the start. If the missing financial history, that we read in Waterloo is not complete. In short, Waterloo though only for one day, but that day can change the fate of many people. Battle of Waterloo, the anti-French coalition forces quickly captured the Paris, the prestigious French Emperor Napoleon had abdicated again, after being exiled to the Atlantic island of St. Helena. Since the defeat of Napoleon Waterloo Wellington, the British commander and therefore fame. However, many historians point out that the biggest winner in Waterloo Wellington, not generals, but the Rothschild family. Nathan Rothschild planted to use their powerful information network, playing a beautiful war. In a sense, Napoleon's Waterloo, the Rothschilds became the Arc de Triomphe! Ancient battlefield of Waterloo, Waterloo is a southern suburb of the Belgian capital of Brussels, a small town 18 kilometers. June 18, 1815, the world-famous Battle of Waterloo 5 km south of the town on the field to start from, Waterloo and Napoleon together, to remember. That year, 7.4 million people in the French army of Napoleon rate and 246 artillery pieces, the Duke of Wellington, commander of coalition forces only 6.7 million people and 184 artillery pieces. The two sides on the front at 2.25 km a day of bloody fierce battle, the battlefield leaving 27,000 French troops and 22,000 coalition soldiers. Duke of Wellington, although the final victory, but the horrors he witnessed on the battlefield, to say a word: end, the last one in his desolate island in the Atlantic - the end of the island of St. Helena, his dramatic life, therefore, known as the Battle of Waterloo in European history from the Now every day, many tourists from around the world to visit the ancient battlefield of Waterloo old pay tribute. The center of the ancient battlefield is a 45-meter-high mountain soil, which is the 1826 Belgian women into the mound with his backpack and transported. Board the 226 steps up to the top. A large circular platform above the middle of a long 4.5 meters high 4.45 m, weight 28 tons of iron lion ranked in the base 6 meters high, it stepped on a ball the right front paw, facing the direction of France, said,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], shock Iron Lion is left on the battlefield into a scrap metal casting, is a masterpiece of sculptor Fan Geer. This land of mountains and hence the name Lion. Platform side of the hill there is a huge metal plate, engraved with the year above the standard line and the main battlefield fighting the battle of Waterloo. Platform surrounded by a railing, visitors can lean on a railing overlooking the scenery in all directions. Waterloo under the Lion Rock Memorial is a white circular building, inside the ring decorated with a painting on the wall, is a masterpiece of the French Navy painters 路易杜默兰 - Battle of Waterloo circular panorama. Long piece of 110 meters, 12 meters high circular painting vividly depicts the heroic scenes of fierce battle that year. In the painting, and between them stands the ring, but also together with horses, artillery, weapons, buildings and other physical and bloody corpses and other sculpture, with the clever use of lighting,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], depicts the neighing horses on the battlefield, guns rumble scene. Panorama painting was completed in 1912. Opposite the Memorial Hall, a small cinema, a film showing only throughout the year - The audience through the film's historical background of this battle and war conditions have a profound impression. Movie theater next to a statue of Napoleon's body. Napoleon, wearing a cocked hat, body military uniform, holding his arms in the chest rope, put your feet like the military Base of the statue with a total of 4 meters high, where tourists often photo sessions. There is a battle south of the ancient stone hut, which was then the headquarters of Napoleon, the north has a castle, it is anti-French coalition commander Wellington headquarters. Stands on the fields around France, Belgium, Germany and other countries with different kinds of monument in memory of those soldiers killed in action, they are entrusted with the descendants of the deceased against the grief. Date: June 18, 1815 Location: Waterloo, Belgium (Kingdom of the Netherlands at the time) results: anti-French League victory warring parties: France VS seventh anti-French alliance: Britain Prussia Austria Netherlands Hanover Nassau Commander: Napoleon · 波拿巴米歇尔内伊 VS Lee Wells, the first Duke of Wellington Arthur von Michel Brunet forces: French military VS 67,000 73,000 60,000 General British troops were casualties: 25,000 law 22,000 coalition troops more entries Atlas Atlas place and a people. This place is the town of Waterloo in Belgium, and this person is the history of European giant Napoleon Bonaparte.




Belgium Waterloo Battlefield Monument 2

Waterloo ancient battlefield away from Waterloo town south of the 2.5 km where is the famous Waterloo ancient battlefield, although it is now Belgium's most important tourist attractions, but not free to develop. Now the ancient battlefield in addition to several small memorial, there is no construction of any civil or public facilities, and almost 190 years ago is no different. The only difference is in the ancient battlefield in the south where more than a small pyramid mountain soil. This hill is the ancient symbol of the battlefield,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], but also the viewing platform, standing on top of the platform can be an overview of the global battlefield of Waterloo. Iron Lion Peak hill called Iron Lion Peak, are man-made mountain, built in 1826. There was no bulldozers, 41-meter-high mountain is said to be local women with a backpack and a place two kilometers away from the earthworks into the back. Iron Lion Introduction Overview of the ancient battlefield of Waterloo Iron Lion Peak iron lion in first-class second-rate generals failed to win the war Waterloo noble failure becomes the biggest winner in the Stock Exchange to start the boss battle to collect strategic intelligence and delivery systems is of great significance Nathan's business description Waterloo ancient battlefield Introduction Overview 1. Speaking of Waterloo, people in addition to think of failure, the slightly understand the history of the people must also think of a

Iron Lion Peak Chinese Description

Open Category: War, History, Belgium, towns, ruins of World War 2 in Canada in the eastern city of Waterloo in Waterloo, Canada's eastern city, located in southern Ontario, a university city, an hour's drive west of Toronto, Department, from Niagara Falls 1.5 hours drive. Kitchener and another adjacent to the city, known as the KW The end of 2006, has a population of 114,700, of which more than 20,000 non-permanent residence in school. University of Waterloo, Canada, located in this prestigious city. I have to improve the

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