
Bill Gates

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Bill Gates (Bill Gates), all 名威廉亨利盖茨 (William Henry Gates, 1955 年 10 28 -), U.S. Microsoft's chairman. Together he and Paul Allen founded Microsoft, a former Microsoft CEO and chief software architect, and holds more than 8% of the common stock, also the company's largest individual shareholder. 1995 to 2007 June 27, 2008 formally withdraw Microsoft, and to give all personal property $ 58 billion donation to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. September 2011,

Chinese Name: 威廉亨利盖茨 Foreign Name: William Henry Gates Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, USA Date of Birth: October 28, 1955 Occupation: Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect School: Lake School, Harvard University, the main achievements: co-founded with Paul Allen of Microsoft nickname: Bill Gates


About Microsoft file generation business school honor achievements in the official retirement of the top ten mistakes Charitable Eye Foundation Bill and Melinda Foundation charity trip to Beijing dropped Gates gift advice oath writings oath says family life, personal feelings Wembley Des Linda scandal residential About the University of Washington lecture file Born: October 28, 1955 Height: 183cm < p> 9 years old, Bill Gates (photo taken in 1965)

Weight: 78kg Star sign: Scorpio Nickname: computer prodigy, left-handed Hobbies: bridge, table tennis, chess ..... favorite computer software singer: JOHN LENNON favorite food: hamburgers and Coke admired people: John D. Rockefeller, Napoleon's maxim: : do not want to take the initiative to contact with people, but easy to talk in the depressed state of faith: the Christian emotions: anger sudden panic

and Internet distribution of wealth and power will be more around the average. Management: mode. ● 1955 年 10 28, Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, U.S. West Coast, a family, the father 威廉亨利盖茨 (William Henry Gates, Sr.) is a well-known local lawyer, he died Mother Maligaici (Mary Maxwell Gates) was director of the banking system, and his grandfather, JW Maxwell (JW Maxwell) was the National Bank, Bill and two sisters, one grew up, attended public elementary school in Seattle and private Lakeside Middle School (Lakeside School), Gates met in Lakeside Middle School two grades higher than his Paul Allen, Bill Gates is an excellent student, 13 years old when he began computer programming, And in extreme individualism is known; according to one of his high school memories, Bill Gates has asserted that he would become a billionaire in the age of 25. ● 17 years old, Gates sold his first computer programming works - a time table system, the buyer is his high school, the price is $ 4,200. ● Gates SAT (American College Test) standardized test scores 1590, its out of 1600. ● Gates told his university teachers to 30 years old to become a millionaire, and in his 31-year-old when he became a billionaire. that Gates knew a lot of money later, but did not expect so much money. ● In the Harvard school, Gates participated in the preparation of the Altair BASIC, which became Microsoft (then known as Micro-Soft) first product. ● Microsoft in 1987, he was in Manhattan at a launch ceremony encounter his future wife 梅琳达法兰Qi (Melinda French), then Microsoft employee Melinda, who married in 1994 New Year's Day.

Gates lives according to (13) ● When Bill Gates think or concentrate, he would Akira in the chair back and forth non-stop, this quirk goes back to his childhood, like swinging on a horse for hours - then Microsoft employees have been accustomed to see him while attending the meeting thinking, while listening, while swinging his head ... ... ● 2005, Gates was awarded the British Queen Elizabeth II Medal of the British Empire Knight Commander (KBE). ● 2007 in March, richest man, which he received the title for 13 years now he's worth $ 58 billion. ● 2006 年 6 15, in the U.S. state of Washington at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Bill Gates attended press conference. the same day, Bill Gates announced that he will fade out in the next two years, Microsoft's daily affairs, the main focus on health and education philanthropy. ● now Carnegie - Mailong University (Pennsylvania, USA a universities) to have a building named after Bill Gates - Gates Computer Science Building.

Gates to participate in business activities according to (20) ● Gates is the - a 72 manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci's latest term owner. The manuscripts include the nature of water, astronomy, observation of rock and fossil record of Gates manuscripts in the world each year public exhibition of a different city. ● Bill Gates earned $ 67.5 per day, earning $ 5,832,000, earned $ 2.13 billion a year. Gates attended school in the private public elementary schools in Seattle, he found his in the software in interest and in that assiduously, in computer programming at age 13 began and continued for 15 years. high school graduation, high school graduates received the highest honor the United States, Harvard University in and now Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer have formed a good friend at Harvard, Gates for the MITS Altair the first microcomputer BASIC programming language developed a version of cover Mainz is also very interested in biotechnology, who is a member of the board ICOS, which is a focus on the protein matrix and small-molecule therapeutics company. He is also a lot of other biotechnology companies investors. honor, figures of power in 1999 Melinda and the rock band U2 lead singer Bono (Bono) was elected as the era of the common man of the year, to table their charitable contribution. · November 15, 2006, James Morgan won the 2006 international philanthropist award. • In 2006, [1] · April 19, 2007, was awarded an honorary doctorate Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University, No. 13 to become an honorary doctorate.

Bill Gates

· 2007 年 4 月 20, was awarded the Beijing Honorary University Guanghua School of Management Council and an honorary member. · insect entomologist who will be a flower named after him as Bill Gates's hover flies · Seattle has a street named after him. success in Forbes Ranking list [2], Gates 2001--2007 years ranked the world's richest man! 2008 ranked third in the world in 2009, has once again become the world's richest man! narrowly in 2010 fell to second in the world. September 2011, Bill Gates' net worth to $ 59 billion in 2011 aboard the Start programming, and predicted he would become a millionaire in 25 years; he is a business genius, a unique vision that he was always able to accurately see the future of the IT industry,[url=http://www.uggsbootsclearance4u.com/][b]title=UGG Boots[/b][/url], the unique management tools, making the growing Microsoft can maintain its vitality; his wealth is a myth, 39-year-old has become the world's richest man, and for 13 years on top of Forbes top position, this myth is like the night sky dazzling fireworks, stung by billions of people's eyes he is a Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect. Microsoft is to personal computers and commercial computer software, services and Internet technologies worldwide leader in the fiscal year ended in 2008, Microsoft's revenue nearly $ 62 billion, in 78 countries and the region more than 91,000 employees in the total number of people. 2011 U.S. Rich List September 22, 2011, home richest position. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is ranked 14 in Fortune 175 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of $ 10.6 billion last year, Zuckerberg is the top 20 richest in the highest growth of wealth, a.

Gates lives according to (13) Bill Gates's wealth more than $ 5 billion last year, the Chinese mainland's richest man, Trinity Group Chairman Liang Wengen (93 million) and the second richest, Baidu CEO Robin Li ( $ 9.2 billion) more than six times. [3] November 2011, Forbes 2011 list of power figures: Microsoft founder Bill Gates ranked fifth on the list he is the most forward of entrepreneurs. Gates list mainly due to his charitable foundation support malaria vaccine development, has recently been through the key clinical trials. top 20 ranking of America's wealthiest individuals name net assets (U.S. $) 1 Bill Gates / Bill Gates5902 Warren Buffett / Warren Buffett 3903 Larry Ellison / Larry Ellison 3304 Charles Koch / Charles Koch 2505 David Koch / David Koch 2506 Tivoli Chris Singleton and his family / Christy Walton & ; family 2457 George Soros / George Soros 2208 谢尔登埃德森 / Sheldon Adelson 2159 Jim Walton / Jim Walton 21110 Alice Walton / Alice Walton 20911 Robson Walton / S . Robson Walton 20512 Michael R. Bloomberg / Michael Bloomberg 19513 Jeff Bezos / Jeff Bezos 19114 Mark Zuckerberg / Mark Zuckerberg 17515 Sergey Brin / Sergey Brin 16716 Larry Page / Larry Page 16717 John Paulson / John Paulson 15518 Michael Dell / Michael Dell 15019 Steve Ballmer / Steve Ballmer 13920 small Fulei Si Ticketmaster's / Forrest Mars Jr 138 [4] Microsoft Corporation in the university business third grade, Gates left Harvard and put all energy into his childhood friend Paul Allen in 1975, Microsoft created the. computers will be in every home, every office of the most important tool Under the guidance of this belief, they began developing software for the computer Gates's vision and his foresight personal computer and software industry, Microsoft became the key to success in the leadership of Bill Gates, Microsoft continued to develop improved software technology to software easier to use, cheaper and more full of fun.'s commitment to long-term development, research and development funds annually over $ 5 billion. [1] [2] Gates, the two books of all revenue donated to the non- profit organizations to support the use of technology for education and skills training. Corbis Gates also set up a company, it is research and development of the world's largest resources of visual information from the global public collections and private collections of art and integrated digital photography file In addition, Gates and mobile phone pioneer Craig McCaw with the investment in Teledesic. This is an ambitious plan, plan to use hundreds of low-orbit satellites to provide global coverage of the two-way broadband telecommunications services.

2007 年Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Harvard University.

generation of the waves do not lift the eye of retirement statement June 15, 2006, Microsoft founder Bill Gates (Bill Gates) announced his own retirement plan, the chief technology officer Ray Ozzie to succeed him as the original software architecture, Chang, and he quit in 2008 the daily operation of Microsoft, but Microsoft will continue to serve as chairman software architecture long (Chief Software Architect), is Bill Gates in 2000 removed execution officer post (by classmate Steve Ballmer took over as friends) after the invention of the post, in charge of all technical architecture and product development to ensure that the competitive structure of Microsoft, although Microsoft has announced his retirement plans after the stock is not subject to little effect, But like Bill Gates announced his retirement so that discussion will lead to the majority of the people, the world may be limited. 20-year-old founder of Microsoft, has 31 years, his humanity and deep impact far and is not limited to the IT industry, while all Power comes from his personal beliefs: Microsoft under Bill Gates will, throughout the full progress in this direction, starting from the operating system has been to the office application software, and other. Every generation of people have a vision, can see the generations of people do not see things, the author known as the Bill Gates is far in the 1970s when mainframe computers in power dare dream of this, because they believed that they saw things others did not see. Generation of the eye and the inevitability of history there have been a lot of this history has a They are the last generation of people struggling to move forward in a variety of voices of skepticism, but the Giants defeated the last generation, affecting the next generation of life. Each In addition to Bill Gates, there are for example: The While the latter gave birth to the open source movement, so Microsoft actually have to defend their software is worth paying for. This is the era of the wheel. Always know where a group of young man came out to change the world. Bill Gates greatness is that he has a

1994 years, just married couples to participate in charitable activities of the Gates

In other words: The problem is that Bill Gates has lost his eyes like, but still continue to be based on Microsoft in charge of all technical architecture and product development positions. Giants will power to turn things around long enough in the IT industry who should all remember, the momentum appears to be rising in 1995,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/][b]title=Monster Store[/b][/url], Netscape, the browser's market share up to 90%. Bill Gates wake up, declared Microsoft will vigorously embrace the Internet. In 1997, when Microsoft's IE browser market share has been 40%. Giants will power is amazing, as long as he was determined to change. Then 41-year-old Bill Gates led all the organizational changes, product development direction, IE 3.0 version of the browser features a substantial innovation in the future, and finally catch up with the final defeat to competitive forces, led by Netscape. 10 years ago, Bill Gates, 41, his eyes still see the other light Internet, but 10 years later, Google may be more important than the present 51-year-old Bill Gates is also clear. The key is whether the Giants last generation to keep up with fast pace, their vision into new generations. Microsoft's current problems, is to be found (or can function as) and has the insight and willpower of the individual (or organization). Engaged in the process from Netscape, we see Bill Gates personal willpower to show, if not him, it is impossible to move up the organization. If you really can not find a new eye (Bill Gates is currently on the hope that Ray Ozzie body), then at least to make the organization can operate as a bottom-up innovation environment to replace old group's eyes the eyes of individuals . Giant dead, just dying to face by Google, Microsoft brought a new round of competition, in fact, the organization competitive. Google to small groups as the unit of the organization, both large and flexible, and creative development at an alarming rate. Google does not rely on such an emperor like Bill Gates, but a large number of technical genius. In contrast, Microsoft, after several years of development organizations are increasingly large. Year was very proud of staff from the grassroots up to four levels of Microsoft executives have been caught in the plight of redundant, this is caused by product delays, loss of competitiveness and other factors. Organization needs a radical transformation of the giant's willpower, but Bill Gates has chosen at this time out, the hot potato to leave Steve Ballmer. Gene does not change its organization, product delays market, or product does not match the market needs, etc., will be repeated. In any case, no one can deny his contribution. He led by the personal computer industry, so you have a computer on the desktop, so you can see this number of articles discussing the merits and demerits of Bill Gates, and then to blow off steam or Hair nostalgia. Officially retired Beijing at 12:00 on June 27, 2008 message (U.S. Eastern Time at 00:00 on June 27th), Microsoft founder and chairman Bill Gates (Bill Gates) will be officially retired today, out Microsoft's daily management. Current CEO, Bill Gates college friend Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) will fully take over Microsoft's power. Bill Gates will own the property donated to his charitable fund Meanwhile, Gates himself will dive into philanthropy. Since then, Microsoft's Bill Gates to go to work one day a week only, the other time on philanthropy. Not long ago, Gates told the U.S. According to overseas media reports, Gates said, as a full-time philanthropist, his first stop is going to China.

Bill and Melinda Gates in 2010 Davos Forum

farewell speech 33 years ago to create Microsoft, Gates is also a developer, and Microsoft can have a dominant position in the industry today, also due to the Windows operating system developers. At yesterday's opening speech, Gates did not forget these hero, input and his wife founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said he felt a little hasty, Earlier, I totally addicted to the software under development. long position retirement, transfer to a non-executive chairman since then threw himself into charity. This means that Microsoft is coming to an end of an era, but it means the world more than a full-time philanthropist. Gates said he would first charity event in 2008 became firmly established in China, and plans to attend Beijing Olympics. Acceptance results will personally quit smoking, according to China Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in China to implement several key health programs, including HIV / AIDS prevention, hepatitis B vaccination and smoking cessation, and managed to bring Africa to China's agricultural knowledge and improving Africa's agriculture. Gates said: poor countries out of a force. Gates Foundation plans to launch a new program to help Chinese people to quit smoking. Gates said: things. He said he intends to Beijing to watch the Olympics. China will introduce agricultural technology in Africa for China's hepatitis B vaccination, the Gates Foundation is also extending a helping hand. According to statistics, the Chinese hepatitis B patients about 10% of the total population. In agriculture, the Gates Foundation will launch a number of related plans, the introduction of China's agricultural technology in Africa to help improve local crop production. Two global rice research center in the Philippines and China. Gates Foundation is working with Asian rice researchers, focusing on Africa and more drought-resistant rice varieties on the need for such features. Gates said: It is the initial investment for this project has reached $ 50 million. Gates said the Foundation in this project with the Chinese Ministry of Health in close cooperation. He said: Chairman Bill Gates will no longer be responsible for the daily management of the company, Bill Gates is the world's most important figures in the PC industry, one has followed the trend of technological development, but he was not always correct, the following are the ten Bill Gates at Microsoft mistakes.

Bill Gates

1, Microsoft BOB: BOB is a Microsoft product released in 1995, Microsoft hopes to improve Windows3.1 BOB program management interface, the concept may be no problem, but Bob has not really caught on has been replaced. Objectively speaking, Bob is not adverse criticism, but it did not lead to the disappearance of many people's regret and nostalgia, because it solves the problem has not caused many problems. Interestingly, BOB is in charge of development projects wife Melinda Gates. 2, Windows2000: This may be Microsoft's biggest failure to date version of Windows 2000, shortly after launch, there have been a lot of installation and compatibility issues. With the market in 2001, WindowsXP, Windows2000 soon disappeared. Of course, Windows2000 is not nothing like the product first then have the system recovery application in WindowsXP. 3, the Tablet PC: Maybe there are still a lot of Tablet PC's supporters, but the technology has many problems, and high cost. From the market performance, the Tablet PC is undoubtedly a failure of the product. Microsoft has decided to WindowsVista Tablet PC functions as an essential part of the operating system, rather than released as a separate SKU. 4, SPOT watches: Although the first goal of a smart personal technology (SPOT) watch prototypes to enter the market has been three years, but the products bulky, rigid form of the problem is not resolved. In addition, SPOT watches the lack of compelling applications to support, not to spend hundreds of dollars to buy the product the user was value for money.

15 years ago, Bill Gates left / right four years ago

5, Microsoft Money: If Microsoft's 1995 acquisition of Intuit's plan does not face antitrust obstacles, the company may have access to Quicken software, and to make their Internet banking products to become market leader. But it did not, Microsoft can only be to design and develop financial software Money, Intuit eventually be far behind. 6, DOS4.0: that Microsoft can not help but talk about the Windows operating system, the predecessor of MSDOS. In all the MSDOS version, MSDOS4.0 is undoubtedly one of the most failures, it is simply for Microsoft flaw riddled nightmare. According to information provided by Wikipedia, MSDOS4.0 mainly based on IBM's code base, rather than Microsoft's own code base. 7, Microsoft TV: Microsoft has repeatedly tried to enter the field of digital television, but without success. Now also remember that Microsoft launched in early 1990s, video-on-demand project MicrosoftTiger it? However, Microsoft did not give up the efforts in this regard. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (SteveBallmer) recently said that in the near future, IPTV will be the promotion of Microsoft's stock price rose, pushing the company one of the main driver of profit growth. 8, MSNBC partnership: the partnership between Microsoft and NBC between the smooth almost never had. In December 2005, Microsoft is basically out of the cooperation with NBC. However, Microsoft did not give direction to the efforts of content providers, the company is currently recruiting blog, TV teams and other aspects of the media who want to build MSN Media Network. 9, real-time web conferencing software: Microsoft LiveMeeting web conferencing product mainly based on technology from PlaceWare acquisition, although been available for years, but many people think it is a failure of the product. Of course, Microsoft did not give up the efforts in this regard, the company's commitment to new LiveMeeting will be better. 10, failed to put Microsoft's Linux: Microsoft should launch its own Linux. Microsoft can buy a Linux distributor, or directly to a branch named Windows Microsoft Linux. In contrast, Microsoft has invested heavily in confrontation with the entire open source community. Microsoft should join the open source camp, rather than trying to beat it. For Gates Charity Foundation, the charity is also very important. He and his wife Melinda have donated $ 3.46 billion to establish a fund to support health and education in the field of global health charity, hope as mankind enters the 21st century, technological advances in these critical areas can benefit all of humanity. To date, Gates and his wife Melinda Gates Foundation has established the $ 1.73 billion for the global health industry, 900 million U.S. dollars will be used to improve people's learning conditions, including the purchase of computers for the Gates Library equipment for the U.S. and Canada low-income communities, public libraries provide Internet training and Internet access services. In addition to more than 260 million U.S. dollars for the Pacific Northwest community projects, more than 380 million U.S. dollars will be spent on special projects and annual gift distribution activities. June 22, 2008, Bill Gates donated 58 billion total assets. [4] Bill Gates on June 27, 2008 retirement, his colleagues in the eyes of Microsoft, what is the image? This comes together with him in charge of a 31-year-old Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer had most right to speak. silent in a recent interview, Ballmer was right, perhaps only activity is the most critical success factor, this is Bill Gates leave you with the best gift! Bill and Melinda Foundation Gates ended June 2008, officially retired, Gates of the property for the $ 58 billion and announced his will to come up with 98% in his own and his wife founded named Foundation In recent years, a major charity event from the point of view, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, big spenders, such as New York, had $ 51.2 million donation to build 67 for minority and low-income children in secondary schools; donated 1.68 billion, to help African countries combat malaria; donated $ 50 million to Botswana, where AIDS to help. Gates Foundation, in China's Sichuan earthquake, when the Chinese Ministry of Health donated $ 1.3 million (about 9.1 million yuan), donations will be used to support the Ministry of Health of the earthquake-stricken areas of water safety control and disease control. January 29, 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates press conference in Davos, said the Gates Foundation in the next 10 years the world's poorest regions to provide a donation of $ 10 billion vaccine research, development and application support. The trip to Beijing September 29, 2010, the subject of much attention of Gates and Buffett, charity dinner in Beijing Changping Lafayette at Castle Manor. According to the organizers, entrepreneurs dinner that night about 50 people, not as previously predicted, And After a lapse of 250 days, Bill Gates came to China again, and last year, he came for the charity. However, in September last year That sensational The evening of June 11, Gates left Beijing to London, came hurriedly rushed away. According to Gates, said the staff around, Gates has precise timing of China to the point, there is no doubt that this time, this has been transformed into a attitude, more action began. 400 donations dropped 17 largest rich and powerful only about 460 square Buffett's net worth billion, he's holding company, Berkshire. Hathaway's majority stake, and his wife donated to the Gates Foundation, the set up his late wife Susan Buffett Foundation, and the Foundation hosted the children, he has donated two into Berkshire. Hathaway stock, currently holding the right to grant each year will be 4%. Last year, However, according to Giving USA Foundation, last year the nation's charitable contributions received totaled $ 303.75 billion, 3.6% decline the previous year, the second consecutive year. Grant writing vows in 1999, Gates wrote, ways to solve business problems. This book in more than 60 countries in 25 languages. Gates's last book, published in 1995, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and vowed to Warren Buffett, 16 June 2010 invited members of America's wealthiest generous donation in his lifetime or after death at least half the wealth in philanthropy. According to Taiwan's based, the future will be extended around the world. Buffett also wrote that in 2006 a commitment to donate 99% of the property for public good decisions, make him very happy. Advice one advice to young people 11 (starting at Life is not fair, you get used to it. 2. The world does not care about your self-esteem, but requires you to feel good about themselves before to be successful. 3. Just out of school when you can earn $ 40,000 a month, but will not be which company vice president, also has a car, until you earn these are the hands that day. 4. If you think that school teachers are too harsh, then so you have a boss and then think back. 5. Selling hamburgers and do not compromise your dignity. Selling hamburgers on your grandparents had a different understanding, which they call 6. If you're in trouble, it is not the fault of your parents,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com][b]title=Moncler Store[/b][/url], do not you should take the responsibility onto others, but to learn to learn from it. 7. Before you were born, your parents do not like so boring. They become like this today is because all these years to pay for your bills, you do the laundry. Therefore, before the parents chatter, or go look at your own house cleaning it. 8. Your school may no longer be divided honors and inferior health, but life is not the case. In some schools have no 9. Unlike the life out of school after a semester in school, as divided, nor summer, said. Several boss is not happy to help you find self, you have to rely on their own to complete. 10. Many scenes in television is not real life. In real life, people must work hard at doing their own, not like TV every day play as hot in the cafe. 11 treat the person you hate, because maybe one day you will work with such a person. Second, standing in the spotlight is fallen, is fallen standing on the podium; because they make you feel you smarter than others. Third, the speech at Harvard he was four, Gates classic quotations 1 big opportunity, does not mean you will succeed. 2 If you believe that every life is equal, then when you find that some lives have been saved, while others were abandoned life, you will find unacceptable. 3 From this complex world to find a solution, can be divided into four steps: identifying the target, find the most effective way found suitable for this method of new technology, while the most intelligent use of existing technology, whether it is complex drug, or the most simple nets. 4, unless you allow people to see or feel the impact of action, otherwise you can not make people excited. 5 network magic, not just shorten the physical distance that it makes everyone your neighbor. It also greatly increased the common idea that people cherish the opportunity to gather together, we can in order to solve the same problem, working together. 6 Do not let the complexity of this world hinder your progress. To become a activist. Will address the inequality of mankind as its own responsibility. It will be your experience of life in one of the most important. 7 to do an oasis with grass, might as well do a bare hill in the oak, because the grass is no personality, and the oak head sky. Gates says, David Rockefeller, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, leveraged buyouts accumulated by wealthy Perelman, investor George Soros, a talk show days Hououpula Turner and communications tycoon. The group has always been generous and rich, the consensus in the party, Gates and Buffett's advisers said Ms. Stone Buddha seats, real estate and construction major Hengbuluode, media tycoons Lanfeisite, the godfather of Silicon Valley venture capital Doyle and former Dongzuo Morgridge of Cisco and other four pairs of Regal couples, have agreed to respond to public statements gift oath. Fifty-three billion U.S. dollars worth of Buluo De pledged in a statement the couple, will be reborn in his lifetime and after donating 75% of the wealth, they cited Andrew Carnegie's famous quote: a scandal. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Related articles:

