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confinement can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty Sociological argument, the confinement is to help mothers survive a life-changing, because the output of the body baby, life changes, from the man's wife to a parent, from an outsider to the family, the confinement of the ceremony prompted to enter the sacred status of maternal , people around willing to pay for her, mothers take this opportunity to vent grievances accumulated emotions, eliminate the long-term exhaustion. Whether or postpartum confinement, mean maternal to bed rest, nursed back to good health, reproductive organs and the body as soon as possible to promote recovery.


post-natal confinement confinement why the basic principles 1. Shen cold temperature 2 appropriate work and rest 3 4 adjustment food handling clean Additional Notes: 1) confinement The food must be Canadian wine? 2) Why is prohibited during confinement take ginseng? 3) the impact of season on maternal tonic maternal different physical principles of confinement 1. Cold constitution (2) hot body 3 around neutral physical confinement practices 1, 2 Shanxi folk tradition, Hakka confinement customs and taboos during confinement confinement 15 tips tonic note and common postpartum complications postpartum complications postpartum diet should avoid postpartum diet with four principles is the amount of fine is not too much miscellaneous diversity of food species is rare to be more soft water is soft food cooking method should be based postpartum postpartum should not drink more soup? postpartum should avoid cold temperature and dry postpartum avoid eating spicy food confinement to how clean the A clean start from scratch two, after a bath sponge bath first month of the four key weight-loss completely phased implementation of tonic salt or spices and timely use of athletic sports personally summer feeding diet Note autumn confinement confinement Note maternal confinement personal hygiene precautions one, two maternal personal hygiene, feeding precautions when maternal postpartum dietary considerations one just given birth to two baby's dietary considerations, and post-first, two weeks should not be nourishing special make three, four postpartum reasonable diet, food taboos confinement sit on the nutritional characteristics of a food. increased meal times 2 diluted with food 1000 And 3 with meat and vegetables, avoid partial eclipse 4 light suitable for 5 to pay attention to nursing stomach, confinement for the daily digest Note 1: To fully quiet rest 30 to 40 days two: to ensure appropriate temperature III: moderately labor and rest four: eating five a reasonable regulation: to ensure good oral care during confinement clean postpartum Why maternal postpartum hemorrhage due childbirth, combined with sweating, backache, abdominal pain, very physical wear and tear, blood, bones and muscles are weak, vulnerable to cold this time of the invasion, take some time to tone up, so post-natal confinement must be to restore health. The purpose of confinement during this period is for moderate exercise and rest,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/][b]title=UGG Sale UK[/b][/url], proper diet tonic and, before production can resume the size of the uterus, can also restore blood after conditioning, and even better than before, also The constitution will be bad during this time slowly changing. In the process of confinement, in fact, the entire reproductive system is the mother of a recovery process. Recovery well, will affect maternal health. Responsible for prenatal maternal fetal growth and development needs of nutrition, the mother of a series of various systems will adapt to change. Uterine muscle cell hypertrophy, proliferation, variable length, increasing the burden on the heart, lungs also will increase the burden, increased slightly during pregnancy kidney, ureter thickening, reduce muscle tension, decreased peristalsis. Others, such as intestinal endocrine bone, skin, bone, joints, ligaments, etc. will be changes accordingly. Post-natal fetus, prenatal maternal organs will return to the state. The uterus, the perineum, vagina wound will heal, shrink the uterus, the diaphragm down, heart recovery, pulled loose skin, joints, ligaments will return to normal. The shape, location and function of whether the recovery will depend on when mothers nursed back to health care in confinement. If proper maintenance is restored quickly, and without troubles; if the slightest mistake, nursed back to health Shiyi, the slow recovery. The basic principles of confinement 1. Shen cold temperature climate and living environment with the temperature and humidity changes, wear maternity clothing and indoor use of electrical equipment, should make appropriate adjustments, the indoor temperature is about 25 ~ 26 ℃, humidity about 50% to 60%, wear long sleeves, long pants, socks, avoid cold, flu, or the joint by the wind, cold, wet invasion. (2) appropriate work and rest appropriate labor and rest, for the discharge of lochia, bones and body recovery helpful. The initial post-natal, maternal feel weak, dizzy, fatigue must be getting enough rest, getting up no more than half an hour, so you can restore physical strength gradually lengthen the time a little more time is 1-2 hours in order to limit to avoid prolonged standing or sitting position, resulting in backache, back pain, Tuisuan, knee-joint pain. 3 wash clean the hair, the body should be regularly cleaned and kept clean to avoid being bacterial infection and inflammation. As the environment of ancient primitive, poor living conditions, and no electrical equipment, and hence more stringent, and a month can not wash your hair, bathing restrictions, modern people need not be so hard. 4 tune everyone eating in front of three there is no difference, diet alone personal physical differences, it should be different; Furthermore, postpartum lochia discharge, breast-feeding may have a ring true situation, or have a cold, headache, mouth broken, itching, stomach pain etc. disease, diet and medication must be changed. Confinement or in the warming-based diet is best for your physician based on individual physical deployment of more appropriate. Additional Notes: 1) confinement of the food must be Canadian wine? Confinement should add ginger and cook food, a warm ginger with the uterus, the role of active joints; the role of wine is the blood, helps discharge lochia, if the lochia has a clean, food is still cooking with wine, may lead to uterine does not shrink, leaching Lek. Because ginger ginger spicy, it is easier to stimulate the skin and cause lit, so the use of ginger in the confinement time is best to use black sesame fried too, drain the ginger, so you can keep the warming effect of ginger , but also relatively safe for mothers. 2) Why is prohibited during confinement take ginseng? Qi ginseng stop the bleeding, the hospital has just finished production, are beginning to discharge lochia, if ginseng (red ginseng Korea) will make the bruise becomes less difficult lochia discharge, leading to stasis of uterine blood clot, causing abdominal pain, there will be serious peeling off the placenta is not complete, causing bleeding cases. Therefore, we must wait until the second three weeks or so postpartum, no blood clot, before taking ginseng tea. 3) the impact of season on maternal tonic four seasons due to temperature differences, so the mother's diet must be adjusted, or there will be side effects. General traditional confinement diet, nature of the warm, for winter, spring and autumn season a little ginger and wine can be reduced, if Xia Tiansheng of summer, and can cook food without wine, but still not completely without ginger, each about with 2 to 3. Different physical principles of maternal postpartum women, physical properties and its application by the food as follows: 1. Cold physical characteristics: pale, cold or cold limbs, pale mouth thirst, soft stool, frequency of multi-colored urine light, hold the spit with clear, thin nasal discharge, tongue white, cold easily. Applicable to food: the constitution of maternal gastrointestinal Deficiency, cold hands and feet, poor blood circulation, should eat more warming foods such as sesame chicken, rice-wine chicken, Siwutang, four things the chicken or the SDT, are in principle can not be too much oil, so as to avoid diarrhea. Warming the food or food supplement drugs can promote blood circulation, to make the purpose of qi and blood, and bones less likely to sprain, low back pain are less likely. Eat: cold fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, papaya, grapefruit, grapefruit, pears, star fruit, oranges, tomatoes, melons, cantaloupe, etc. Yi Shi: litchi, longan, apples, strawberries, cherries, grapes. 2 hot body features: red red eyes, heat intolerance, limb or foot of hot, dry mouth or mouth pain, dry and hard stool or constipation, thick yellow sputum, tears, urine smell foul less yellow red, yellow or dry tongue, tongue red red, easy to break the mouth, skin sores or hemorrhoids easily Zhangdou embolism. Applicable to food: should not eat sesame chicken; cook sesame chicken, the ginger and sesame oil to reduce the amount of wine is less. It is appropriate to nourishing food, such as yam chicken, black glutinous rice, soup, pork soup, vegetables optional gourd, wax gourd, lotus root and other more pathogenic fire, or eat vegetables and tofu soup, to reduce the anger. Backache Eucommia five people with money to cook fried kidney soup can, it will not get angry. Should not eat: litchi, longan, apples. Eat a small amount: oranges, strawberries, cherries, grapes. 3 neutral physical characteristics: not hot not cold, not particularly dry mouth, no special often attack the disease. Applicable to food: the diet easier to choose, you can make cross-tonic and drug consumption, no particular problem. If you make up after dry mouth, mouth pain, or long acne, stop what drugs make up, eat the more down as vegetables, can not drink a small cup of ice or pure grape juice pure orange juice. Confinement practices around 1, Shanxi folk confinement, Shanxi traditional approach is: are not allowed to get out of bed within three days, not allowed out the door in January or less, are not allowed to take to the streets, and only allowed in the room food, housing. Confinement period, the emphasis is more people, mainly to take care of maternal and infant health, fear of sudden illness on the child to. Postpartum period, maternal more clothes than usual, use the veil cover the forehead, afraid of the wind. Confinement period, the feeding should be moderate, in particular, can not eat too much, a full stomach will hurt, inflicted life healing of the symptoms. In rural areas of Shanxi, mostly to mothers eat millet gruel, eggs, noodles, pasta, rice and other foods are rarely eaten. Confinement period, the prohibition of maternal talk too much, that fear into something more tongue disease; prohibited maternal work, fear of labor into something dry and more disease; against maternal hand washing with cold water, fear broke joints. Meanwhile, a stranger into the maternal prohibition room, a stranger into the room, afraid of Maternity room, even his family generally not allowed to enter. Only allowed the mother's mother, mother, husband and other people from entering the care of mothers, even mothers father, father, have been full-term mothers after we go to meet. Shanxi customs, the confinement period, generally the mother's mother or mother to take care of, now, mostly taken care of by the mother. Mother care, mothers less angry. The law relationship, are generally difficult to deal with very harmonious. If the mother and maternal grandmother can not care for various reasons, from the mother's sister or sister to come from her parents to take care of, attend at least one month only after maternity leave. Maternal confinement, lactation generally have to eat the food, like white boiled pig's trotters, pig tails, fish soup, it was also due to lack of milk and food lactation medicine. Mothers are eating food, requiring light taste, less salt, eat raw, cold foods. Shanxi countryside, on the maternal confinement of a mark in this life very seriously, not lightly, many people pay attention, the purpose is, to the baby and the mother's health and peace. 2, Hakka Hakka customs confinement after women have children, nursed back to health to keep the room until after the full moon (usually 30 days) before the door. Postpartum period, mothers enjoy the most favorable treatment: comprehensive serving, good diet, adequate rest, a whole family of turning around the central figure. Postpartum period, usually three meals three snacks a day. Eat something, are more particular, a supplement to nutritionally help the body, and help increase the milk; second, select the , eat dried vegetables. Mothers eat the food, the most common and most distinctive wine is chicken (with ginger, chicken, wine). Ginger to ginger, used for boiled, egg. Meixian were boiled with a pan fry the ginger, rice wine together with a slow fire cooked. Postnatal day the child will eat chicken wine, preferably a blood circulation can only fend off the cold chills big cock (called Hakka women, postpartum period, usually only eat ten to thirty chickens, ten kilos more than three pounds of ginger and rice wine. Postpartum period, maternal infant in addition to cooking outside, do not do other household chores. Postpartum period, taking a bath in some leaves (such as longan leaves, maple leaves, pulling the child leaves, etc.) or the roots get through the water bath, which is to disinfect and chills. Taboos during confinement 1) can not hair, because the post-natal qi and blood, bones and muscles relax, the wind cold dampness evil easily stepped in, cause colds, rheumatism, joint pain, diarrhea and other diseases. 2) can not wash your hair, after the easy cold headache. 3) can not read a lot of tears or a long time, otherwise it will damage vision. So reading position to the right, not take too long, the light should be sufficient, do not look sad, hot or intense emotional content, the most important thing is does not affect the rest, because without appropriate rest, likely to cause bleeding difficult to stop, backache, abdominal pain , lethargic. 4) try not cleaning the bathroom, do not eat porridge, milk, juice, etc., or in the future will suffer from rheumatism or neuralgia. 5) can not eat cold food. Because of poor post-natal body, cold food to restore the body to absorb easily affect the poor and the baby through breast milk influence stomach. Hakka women are so great importance to confinement, one not to leave the root cause. For this reason, the Hakka rural areas, many seventy-eight-year-old women, backs tough, flexible hands and feet, mainly in rural areas can still engage in labor. Confinement 15 tips a tonic, liver for in the morning, noon, eat 2 egg yolk iron on the efficacy of maternal anemia 3, lotus root spare ribs soup to treat the symptoms of anemia during confinement, lotus root with ease 4 The role of nervous, scallops have a stable emotional effect, to treat postpartum depression 5, carrots rich in vitamins A, B, C, is the mother's best dishes 6, there is enhanced renal kidney, a new body to promote metabolism, restore uterine function, treatment of back pain and other effects 7, sesame high calcium, eating calcium can prevent the loss of production and constipation 8, trotters to the blood through the milk, to treat postpartum disease Queru 9, peanuts can be nourishing and bleeding , treat anemia, hemorrhagic disease, and its role in nourishing 10, celery fiber is high, mothers eat can prevent constipation 11, glutinous rice and sweet flat, with deficiency of the red? oil meal is a noble maternal supplements 12, Black beans are rich in vegetable protein and vitamins A, B, C, of ​​beriberi edema, abdominal muscle relaxation and body were also improved the effectiveness of 13, sea cucumber is zero cholesterol food, high protein, suitable for postpartum weakness, weight loss, fatigue, kidney edema and jaundice were eating 14 pig hearts have enhanced cardiac function 15, mullet calcium-rich food for maternal postpartum precautions and common complication of confinement must learn to observe your lochia lochia look at the situation is normal. Lochia are some exceptions, should draw attention to two days after childbirth, the vagina is still dripping in a bit of the same fluid as the blood flow out. The doctor said it was But to see those bright red mucus in the middle also mixed with blood clots, heart always ... ... Experts say do not worry: You may be the first time I heard Postpartum, with the endometrium (especially where the placenta attached to the lining) shedding, mucus secretion of the uterus from the vagina, also resulting outflow, which is the lochia. Normal lochia some blood, but does not stink, total about 500 to 1000 ml. Under normal circumstances, lochia about 3 weeks after giving birth to clean. The first week postpartum, lochia amount more, the color red, contains a lot of blood, small blood clots and necrotic decidua, known as the red lochia. 1 week later to two weeks, reducing the amount of blood in the lochia, more necrotic decidua, cervical mucus, vaginal secretions and bacteria, making the lochia becomes light red slurry, known as the pulp at this time lochia of lochia. Within two weeks to three weeks later, lochia is no longer contain blood, but with a large number of white blood cells, degradation of decidual, epithelial cells and bacteria, so lochia becomes sticky, color than white, so called white lochia. White lochia sustainable twenty-three weeks. Look at your situation is normal lochia, especially to pay attention to the quality and quantity of lochia, color and odor changes, the uterus can be estimated speed of recovery, without exception. In the puerperium, postpartum uterine weight reduced to 50 from 1000 grams to 60 grams, the volume also continued to narrow, six weeks after the return to pre-pregnancy size. Uterine involution is good or bad, can decline and the lochia from the uterus at the end of the case to estimate. Some maternal lochia constantly dripping, to the , there is tenderness, are incomplete uterine involution performance. Fortunately, affectionate pregnant Network Tip: lochia are some exceptions, should attract attention: 1, if the post 2 weeks, still bloody lochia, quantity, associated with odor, discharge Lanrou kind of things sometimes, or fetal membrane-like material, poor uterine involution, then the uterus should be considered within the placenta or fetal membranes may be left at any time there may be bleeding, you should immediately go to hospital for treatment. 2, the occurrence of postpartum puerperal infection, can cause endometritis or uterine myositis. At this time, maternal fever, abdominal pain, increased lochia and smell and other symptoms. At this time the lochia, not only the smell, and color is not normal bloody or serous, and was turbid, dirty drab. So, you have to learn to observe their own lochia situation and found there is a problem, we should solve the earlier contact with the doctor. Postpartum complications postpartum anemia, less milk, mastitis, metritis, aching pain, backache, headache, diarrhea, constipation and so on. Maternal anemia can eat high iron foods, including meat, black glutinous rice porridge, bean soup and so on. If the rose milk, maltose can be a two, three money dandelion, 3 Vaccaria money, food to eat stew together, can promote exclusive breast. Constipation can be bananas, sesame paste (boil honey flavoring), can promote bowel movements. Ruoyin mastitis, metritis and a fever, or extreme discomfort, you must immediately seek medical attention. Reasons for sore muscles after childbirth? As the post-natal baby to sleep while breast side, breast-feeding for a long time, my mother to maintain posture for too long, and many babies have reversed the situation day and night, night crying endlessly, serious, to hold parents walked all night, So month down the lower back, elbow and wrist pain unbearable. To avoid the phenomenon of these bones ache, my mother hold the child to pay attention to posture, lower back have to rely on the place; more rest, less walking, bed time not more than 1 hour. Eucommia kidney stew soup can, clean and lochia after eating SDT (includes Eucommia, Dipsacus), bones and muscles aching for release had good results. Confinement and diet should avoid once a pregnant woman giving birth, finally gave birth to a baby, many new mothers start appetites, his family of course, do everything possible to send delicious. We hear from the elderly or others a lot of taboos on maternity confinement, I do not know is true or false? The question now is: What kind of only for mothers? How to eat is correct? 4 According to the principle of postpartum nutrition diet doctors recommend, a new mother postpartum diet should be fine, mixed, thin, soft as the main principle. The amount of fine is not excessive postpartum diet in addition to allowing excessive maternal weight gain during pregnancy on the basis of further obesity, there is no benefit for post-partum recovery. If you are breastfeeding, a lot of milk, food intake during pregnancy may slightly increase compared with a maximum increase of 1 / 5 the amount; just enough milk if your baby to eat, you can be with the same amount during pregnancy; if you do not have milk or not ready to breastfeeding, and non-food intake during pregnancy is almost on it. Complex is the species diversity of food, although attention to postpartum diet, but diet should not be too, with meat and vegetables is still very important. Richer variety of eating, nutrition, the more balanced and comprehensive. In addition to the clearly bad for our health, and may be allergic after eating the food, the meat and vegetable varieties should be rich and varied. Thin is more water to the secretion of milk is the new mother after childbirth increased demand for water in one of the reasons, in addition, most pregnant women sweat more, surface water evaporation is also greater than usual. Therefore, the maternal diet can be a little more water, such as multi-soup, milk, porridge, etc. Soft food is the main cooking method should be soft cooked rice should be soft maternal thing, eat less fried food, eat hard shelled food. As a new mother after childbirth due to exhaustion, many people have the case of loose teeth, perfect teeth, bad food on the one hand, on the other hand is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Traditional concept of Postpartum should add more water. However, most new mothers breast duct is not fully clear, do not hurry to drink galactagogue soup, or two or three days before the postpartum period may be up milk straight pain you cry. You can drink a little bowl of soup, fish soup and other relatively light soup, soup, not too salty. Love reminder: Soup is best to drink the oil, more oil in the soup, milk will increase the amount of fat in the newborn's digestive function is not complete and too much fat in milk may cause your baby diarrhea . Postpartum can not drink water? Of course, is nonsense. Some propaganda from Taiwan, said the company post-natal confinement can not drink water, drinking water will cause internal organs prolapse and other consequences, but the theoretical aspects of Western medicine has no basis. Postpartum should avoid cold pairs. From a medical point of view, because mothers spend a lot of physical labor, childbirth hormone levels declined significantly after the newborn and the placenta is delivered, have made reducing maternal metabolic, mostly from the heat to the body Deficiency. Therefore, the Chinese claim postpartum should warm, too cold food should not eat. Such as cold drinks, cold dishes, cold dishes from the refrigerator and pulled out the fruits and vegetables to eat the best hot too. Love reminder: some cold dishes unpasteurized, new mothers postpartum body is weak, weak immune system, likely to cause gastroenteritis and other digestive diseases. Some cold fruit such as watermelon, pears, etc. should not eat, for some spleen and stomach, may cause diarrhea. Of course, in the summer can be a small amount of food, the amount of attention is not appropriate. Postpartum avoid eating spicy food temperature and dry pair. Because of spicy food can help warm dry heat, leaving the maternal Xuhuoshangsheng, there may be a sore tongue, constipation or other symptoms of hemorrhoids may also increase the heat so that the baby through breast milk, so diet should be light, especially in the postpartum 5 within 7 days, should be soft rice, a bowl of soup, etc, do not eat at the greasy and spicy foods, such as special garlic, chili, pepper, fennel, wine,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Store[/b][/url], leeks and other spicy warm dry food and spices. How to clean a lot of confinement to a baby before the mother did during the month began to worry about cleaning problem, do you really want to be like the old people say, one month can not wash a bath? Love clean, how can I bear the young mothers ! What can during the month as usual, clean body? a clean start from scratch during delivery, maternal will sweat a lot, and post-natal sweat will increase, the new mother's scalp and hair will become dirty. This time, if in accordance with the old rules do not wash your hair, then the smell is not, may also cause bacterial infection, and cause hair loss, hair breakage or split ends. Therefore, the yard as long as health allows a new mother, you can shampoo. The method of cleaning the scalp: the medicinal alcohol watertight warm, then wet cotton flower, separate the hair, wipe around the scalp, a little hand massage head, the comb and then brush off the dirt. Mothers can wipe once a day at noon, then a soft comb combing hair, so that the head blood flow, keeping the brain fresh. Tips: 1. Shampoo scalp massage available at the time the pulp, wash immediately with a hair dryer to dry, to avoid the hit by the air-conditioning. (2) wash your hair when the water temperature to be appropriate, not too cold, it is best kept at around 37 ℃. 3 Do not use harsh shampoo too strong. 4 new mother combing hair with a comb is best to avoid static electricity to stimulate the scalp. If the weather conditions are not suitable for cold or wash your hair at home, a new mother can regularly clean the scalp instead of shampoo. Second, the first sponge bath after bath time clean postpartum body with blood, qi effect, can help new mothers relieve fatigue delivery, to maintain ease of mind. However, postpartum few days ago, some mothers body weaker, and some will be large due to the wound, laceration or severe abdominal incision, in which case, you can do first sponge bath. Waiting for almost a wash wound healing shower. Take a sponge bath method: boil the water to 10cc with medicinal alcohol and 10g of salt, blending with a sponge bath water, with a wet towel, wring, the mother's belly and gently wipe the sweat in more places, summer may be early, middle and late rub again, and if the weather is cool, then scrub just once in the afternoon. When physical recovery was almost a mother, you can start a shower. Do not shower fasting, to prevent hypoglycemia; water, not hot, to avoid excessive body skin vascular congestion, and dizziness caused by insufficient blood supply to the head. In addition, in the bathroom should be noted that the air circulation, do not be afraid hair caused by hypoxia. Tips: 1. Mother's bath water production should be maintained at 35 ℃ -37 ℃ or so, even in summer the water cooler can not shower, so as not to discharge lochia poor, causing abdominal pain and irregular menstruation later, body pain, etc. . (2) the mother should avoid bath products, bath time not too long time, usually 5-10 minutes. Month of month of weight loss as long as four key The following is the yard of the four weight-loss weight loss key to share with you. Completely salt or spices in general, the whole process of pregnancy, the increase in body weight about 12 kg. So how the 12 kg of weight lost from the body became the focus of a new mother. Now we calculate, the baby with the placenta weighs about 5.5 kg, and 6.5 kg, of which, water accounted for more than 60%. In other words, due to pregnancy resulting from various factors of water must be discharged slowly mothers after childbirth. Thus, if the confinement period, the food we eat salty or contain soy sauce, vinegar, tomato sauce and other condiments, or eating pickled foods, canned food, etc., will cause the body's water retention, difficult to discharge, body weight naturally can not down. This is why the first week postpartum mothers in the best reason to drink as little as possible. If the critical first week can not achieve Phased implementation of the first week postpartum tonic main goal is to Tonic idea is correct: the first row of lochia, after up blood, lochia, the more can not make up. But also to grasp the concept of tonic stage. Simply put, is due two weeks before the lochia is not a net, not nourishing diet should focus on promoting metabolism, too much water from the body on. For example, the first week of Until the third and fourth week, lochia will be the net before they can begin to eat, Some mothers 不忍心拒绝 family love that production ended eat sesame chicken, from the first day of the month of the last day, not fat strange! In addition, the diet should seek light, salt, avoid fat, hot meals, slowly, declined snacks, etc., if they can comply with these principles, within a month of the tonic there would be no risk of weight gain , best of both worlds. Use of athletic sports and the beauty of the mother timely attention, and production must be tied after the athletic, the best even sleep is no exception. This will not only help the body recover, and prevent sagging and loose skin, internal organs, eliminating the role of stretch marks. However, the real use for the production of athletic women, is a long strip of tape, free tied abdomen, from bottom to top tie wrapped around the curve along the body, so as to completely lift the sagging of the abdomen and be supported by plastic . Moreover, although mothers should avoid work, but moderate exercise in order to eliminate the waist, hip fat, it is necessary to restore elasticity. In general, 14 days postpartum abdominal contractions can begin, sit-ups and other sports, like aerobics mother, will have to wait six weeks before they can start again. In short, post-natal exercise to be sustained, the effect will be surprisingly good. Personal breast-feeding mother's body in order to produce milk, during pregnancy will be stored in adipose tissue consumed little by little. Manufacture of milk a day, consumes about 2 092 3 347.2 joules (500 ~ 800 cards) of heat, a month later, breast-feeding than mothers not to consume 62 760 - 100 416 MJ (15 000 24 000 cards) heat, converted into fat, then it is nearly 2 kg of fat! Therefore, many medical studies have shown that breastfeeding mothers themselves relatively early restoration of body and reduce breast cancer, ovarian cancer incidence. Four key listed above, can help new mothers recover quickly in just 30 days, body, and even more lightweight than before, to return to the workplace with a new attitude! Of course, not too much weight gain during pregnancy, postpartum weight loss is more likely. Note 1 summer confinement diet. Suitable for drinking water, brown sugar, iron, diuretic. Brown sugar, high iron content, but also contains many trace elements and minerals, to promote the lochia discharge, prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence. However, drinking too much will lead to new mothers sweating more, the loss of body salt. Therefore not suitable for drinking too long, up to no more than 10 days. 2. Excessive water from the stream to a normal diet slowly. Postpartum, the digestive system functions take some time to recover, so you can choose some days of the delivery of food easier to digest. From porridge, rice, noodles transition to, and then eat rice and pasta. 3. Eat small meals, not greedy. Month of which a new mother because most of the time lying in bed, so every meal should not eat too much, you can hungry, eat. 4. The best of natural foods, not too much to take nutritional supplements. Currently, there are many health food market, some people think that the process of pregnancy and debilitating to a woman, to eat more health care products mend. This idea is wrong, the yard should be a natural green foods, eat as little as possible or not to use a variety of synthetic supplements. You can also choose to eat some designed specifically for mothers maternal milk, multivitamins or calcium supplements, because the yard of the mother, especially for breastfeeding mothers need to add more calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals. 5. To drink some warm water, avoid cold drinks. Beverages and alcoholic drinks are not suitable for the yard of the new mother to drink, should drink some warm water, add a large loss of body water when sweating. Do not be afraid because the weather is hot or sweating and drinking ice water or eat lots of cold drinks. 6. Avoid spicy food, and prone to flatulence. Postpartum prone to constipation, diet rich in plant food rich in fiber and more fruits and vegetables. 7. Do not order to restore the body, and diet intake. For the yard of the mother, especially for breastfeeding mothers, should ensure adequate calorie intake, breastfeeding mothers should be higher than the normal daily intake of 700 women calories, so this period must not take the means of weight-loss diet . 8. Ensure that calcium supplementation of food intake. Because the new mother during pregnancy and birth process lost a lot of calcium and iron, should ensure adequate daily dietary intake of calcium and iron, calcium intake per day should be less than 1.1 grams of iron is 20 mg. Calcium-rich foods are bone soup, seaweed, milk, sesame and so on. Iron-rich foods are fungus, animal offal. 9. Two weeks postpartum to avoid meat and fish. Gastrointestinal functional recovery in before you can fish, eat soup, boiled meat, two weeks after eating meat. Not more greasy soup should be careful eating. 10. If you worry about cold fruit juice can be squeezed into the drink. Do not eat cold food. You can hot a hot vegetable or fried, fruit juice can be squeezed into, will be equipped with a cup of juice into the hot water for 5-10 minutes before drinking. Or is the fruit boiled fruit tea. Note the fall in autumn confinement confinement should be noted that changing the climate in autumn wind, hot and cold, many women can not help but air conditioning cooling it susceptible to cold hair, in the autumn, a little window to take the air is also possible, but be careful not to direct the wind blowing head, in particular, to avoid the doors and windows open Guotang Feng, doors and windows can be opened in one direction, the opposite doors and windows closed, if the winds, there in the living room maternal try not to open the window to protect us from the wind . Confinement to pay attention to proper warm autumn general, the fall has two characteristics: the wind and dry. Some mothers fear their cold by the wind, normally closed doors and windows, indoor air pollution, sternly cover their clothes, underwear is always wet. Living in this environment, nature is fragile, very easy to get sick. Since the fall of the large temperature difference, should pay attention to the timely replacement of clothing, a hot noon time and want, may be appropriate, but should wear trousers thin clothes, cloth to wear socks with shoes of peace. Puerperium had more sweat mattress, do not specifically added to clothes, so a lot of sweat, but vulnerable to cold, fall weather has been cool though, but still occasionally seen at the hospital maternal heat stroke, because that is too warm lead, and if their mattress sweat a lot, it should be said that increasing the salt content of foods to ensure the body's electrolyte balance. At relatively low temperature, do not open the window to sleep, and attention to proper thick stamped quilt, but the degree of heat to keep warm at night when feeding them, not because of too fast and not wearing clothes, to prevent the cold. Autumn confinement diet with the fall of the new yam pot with yam fungus ribs soup pot, not only can play Spleen, Qingwei along the intestines, blood and blood and Qiangshen role, helping improve maternal appetite, but also Maternal obesity also can cause milk fat content increased, eventually leading to obesity or the baby's diarrhea. Shang Wei more cold, cold is blood clotting, lochia high, can cause postpartum abdominal pain, body pain, and many other diseases. Postpartum blood loss disability allowance, more yin deficiency heat, so the onions, ginger, garlic, hot peppers and other spicy foods should not eat. Such as the lack of milk available without leaving the king, through the grass,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/][b]title=UGG Sale UK[/b][/url], trotters, Campanulaceae, etc. to pass through under the milk; postpartum abdominal pain, constipation can Zhuojia angelica, peach, walnut, wine to blood stasis, laxative. 2. 3. Related articles:

