
Beats Headphones*Note: It may not be clear

*Note: It may not be clear. I'm reposting this from . I don't know the particular crazy Michael mentioned in this story,Louboutin Sale, but I know many many guys/girls like him.

As a 27 year old female re-entering the dating world for the first time since I was 19, I find this exchange to be... entirely too believable. I think I might act like this guy a bit sometimes too, although thankfully more in my head than through text (sorry crazy Michael, tex/texs) - and thank God for that! Because although crazy Michael shouldn't have done this at all, even the craziest person would have stopped after the Monday depicted below... right???

I don't agree with the OP's opinion that a 30 year old should never insert emoticons. Emoticons really help turn a seemingly stern text into a... better text. I kinda agree with the "lol" bit though. Oddly enough, I never used to use "lol" but now I use it way way too often.


I hope I don’t get in trouble for this.

My friend forwarded me an email from a friend of a friend. It contained a text message conversation between a girl named Jana* and Michael, a guy she went on onedate with. According to the background information I was given, Michael was a seemingly normal, educated (I wish I knew where so I could advise you all not to send your children to that school) 30-year-old. Jana did not anticipate the barrage of strangely-spelled texts she would receive immediately after their very first date.

Jana is a much nicer lady than I would have been. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is stupidity with a lack of self-awareness. What really gets me about this is that Michael really seems to think the phrase is “tex message.” Tex. It’s not exactly a typo when he not only uses “tex” repeatedly, but he pluralizes it to “texs.”


And honestly, there is no excuse for any 30-year-old man to use “lol” or emoticons in his text messages.

*Names have been changed to protect both the innocent and the stupid

The date took place on a Sunday evening.


11:12pm -Missed call from Michael

Michael (11:17pm) :was just callin to to say i had a nice night w. u. u seemvery real.

DSB note: When trying to impress,Womens Nike Running Shoes, use your grown-up words, kids. Even in text messages.

Michael (11:21pm): Don’t really know how u felt about seeing me again… don’twant to waste time… if i am not 4 u or whatever its all good just let meknow..i don’t like getting my hopes up for no reason

DSB note: In my experience, it takes more work to get to the numbers section and type in “4″ than it is to just write out “for.” Laziness is one thing. Stupidity is another.

Michael (11:31pm): Not trying to make things intence lol. i am just a brutallyhonest person on the way i feel and just want to know if u really do want tocontinue hangin in the future.

DSB note: College-educated people should know how to spell “intense.”

Michael (11:49pm):Haha you’re making me sweat out a responce lol,Beats Headphones, its allgood either way just let me know:)

DSB note: And “response.”

Michael (11:56pm):All I ask for is honesty:)

Michael (12:09am):Passin out soon. don’t want to sound desperate for aresponce w anymore texs…I am not going to texs you anymore..don’t knoweven know if u got my texs yet.

DSB note: texs texs texs texs

Michael (12:15am):If I don’t hear back from u then I guess it was nicehanging w u and wish u the best..any responce though wud be the right thingto do..i can handle rejection

Michael (12:21am):I’m a big boy lol

Michael (12:27am):And sorry for the rambling tex messages I am a rambler wheni tex lol. will not tex u or call u anymore unless u tell and repsond u wantto see me again

DSB note: If only he kept his word about texing…


Michael (8:18 am):Wow!! can’t believe u just ignored me and didn’t even giveme answer if you want to see me again that all i asked!! Very rude and notnice. I treated u very well at dinner and even gave u a ride home

Michael (8:22 am):And to ignore me is so f*ckup

DSB note: So very f*ckup

Michael (8:26 am):I didn’t even care if I wasn’t for u. there’s a million inthe sea but to ignore some is so childish

DSB note: Oh. IGNORING is what’s childish here.

Jana (8:27 am):Morning! Just got all these msgs,Moncler jacket! Not gonna lie – they’rekind of freaking me out…

Michael (8:28am):Ahhh, I thought u were just ignoring me cause I sent thewhen I got home.

Jana (8:30am):Ah. Nope. My phone was charging + I went to sleep early, foodcoma.

Michael (8:31am):Hahah. I am such an idiot ha

DSB note: Yep.

Michael (8:34am):I am sorry I just liked u and thought u were ignoring me!

Michael (8:35am):Yes I rambled w the text message cause I wanted to go tosleep knowing how u felt

Michael (8:36am):I had not been on a good date w a girl I liked in 4 ever.sorry i came off as intence w the texs i know

DSB note: Some very intence texs!

Jana (8:36am):I had a great time at dinner. But these msgs are kid of offputting, Gotta get ready for work now

Michael: (8:43am):I was very into you what can I say. i f*ckup w the texmessages and i am sorry.. i think we should still hang again. they were justtex messages lol. have a nice day at work…and don’t let a tex message bethe determiner of u seeing me again

DSB note: Michael is right.Atex message lol should not be the determiner. But we are up to 18 tex messages lol now.

Michael (8:46am): If u don’t see me again it won’t be from the texts it willbe because you not that into me at dinner…i know how these things work

DSB note: That is how these things work? Perhaps I should experiment with my own tex messages lol then. Boys, prepare yourselves!

Jana (8:50am):Thx. All the txting is a bit much. No one has ever sent me 40msgs like that. Can I just have a bit of space to process all of this.

Michael (8:57am):It wasn’t 40 lol your exaggerating it was like 7-10. Anywaysu don’t have to process me. I am a great guy and got a little ocd with thetexs. u should want to see me again.

DSB note: The tex message count is up to 20.

Michael (8:58am):And if u need to process seeing me based on 7 tex messagesthat i sent u only because i really liked u and wanted to know if we were onthe same page then ovs your not 4 me.

DSB note: In addition to spelling, Michael needs to learn addition.

Michael (9:00am):I don’t want someone who loses interest over tex messagesthat were only meant last night in a good way cause i cared about knowinghow u felt cause i didn’t want to get my hopes up for no reason

Michael (9:08am):Sorry for the drama but your obvs not for me if u need spaceto think about whether i am for u based on tex messages. take care be wellit would have been great continuing to hang further as i feel like we hadgreat chemistry together. best of luck.

DSB note: According to his theory, I doubt there are any girls that are obvs for him.

Jana (9:11am):Yes. To be totally forthright. the level of intensity is justtoo much for me so I guess I am not for you after all. regardless, had anice time at dinner, take care and good luck to you as well:)

Michael (9:14am):Just be honest =) one last thing before we never speakagain..did you really want to see me again before i sent you those textmessages? or after the date you felt “nice guy but not really 4 me..”cause u don’t know how angry i am at myself for blowing it w u cause of texmessages…

Michael (9:18am):Cause i got the impression by ur energy when u got out ofthe cab that u weren’t that into me prob would have not seen me again evenif i dint write you seven texs.

DSB Note: 25 texs.

Jana (9:19am):don’t be angry with yourself. you’re just doing you. just notthe way i am used to communicating. have a good one Michael. be well. bye.

Michael (9:22am):yes, all i was asking about was did u really want to see meagain after the date B4 the tex messages??? please just answer that questionhonestly that is all I ask of u.

Michael (9:24am):Just for my records so I will know how to behave differentlythe next time I take out a girl.

DSB note: How about stopping after one tex?

Jana (9:25am):Yes.

Michael (9:29am):Uchhhh. u don’t know how shitty i feel now that u say yes.the tex messages were rambled based on scardem and you’re wrong its not meto behave in that matter…

DSB note: At first I thought “scardem” meant “sarcasm” and I was confused. My friend explained to me that Michael is trying to use a word that would be better articulated as”scaredom” — also not a real word.

Michael (9:31am):I liked u so much and hadn’t like one person I went out within 3 months…. when u didn’t respond i panicked and behaved in intencemanner. i wish u could give me another chance and give me three strike rulelike baseball…

Michael (9:35am):can u give me two more strikes or even one????:)I do havea heart you will miss out

Jana: (9:40am):I am sure you do. You are a nice guy. I just don’t think weare a good match. I will let you know if I change my mind. I really have tofocus on work now though so please stop with the texts, thanks,Moncler Scaft!

THURSDAY(she had told him on their Sunday date that she had book club onWednesday night)

Michael (6:15 pm):Jaaanaaaa… hey sweet thang.. how was book club?

DSB note: OK seriously, what is wrong with him?

Michael (6:20pm):Did you read any nice novels?

Michael (9:00 pm):Ok i c i am peaced. whatever nighty night.

Michael (9:16):I got other girls lined up anyways

DSB note: Good luck with that


Michael (8:09 pm):hey wsup…

Michael (8:16 pm):ok bein shut down>>>later…your loss over a tex messagelol

DSB note: 36 tex messages lol

Michael (8:27 pm):u will never find someone as good as me thats 4 sure…goodluck

DSB note: Somehow, I doubt that

Listen, boys. My girlfriends and I Gchat about our crappy dates and the ridiculous and absurd situations we find ourselves in. My friend Jackie and I have a little saying that goes something like this:

What is wrong with EVERYONE?!

That phrase applies perfectly to Michael. What is wrong with him? I wonder how he could have appeared normal to Jana at all during the date because idiocy at this level usually permeates all modes of conversation. But for whatever reason, she thought he was a regular non-moron.

This text exchange has made the rounds. Someone sent it to my friend, my friend sent it to me, I sent it to a few friends and the entire internet. Girls will talk.

If Michael happens upon the blog post, hopefully he will glean some insight. But I bet he won’t — some people just don’t get it. Michael is clearly one of those. lol.

The is also worth reading.

Sources: Dori's Shiny Blog: and .


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&ldquo ;if you go to a small restaurant a total protein of the cone ,the first action is on the tray of a lot of oil spray .&rdquo Market and Ranch Boston ;once in 1as regionalmanager of lyon .
&ldquo ;I would like to open a myself really want in consumption of restaurant .&rdquo ;and in 2003 ,EK Leon casual restaurant opened on the menu ,all the dishes both heat calories in 500 following,all are baked ,steamed or grilled food ,high-calorie soft drink no stock in the consideration .
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Zellweger and QTip stars are profuse in praise .EK currently has 10 low caloriecasual restaurants ,all located in New York and New Jersey ,ray & the recent investment lets it have the ability in the future 10 years inall American expansion franchise ,the target to reach 1000 .
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&ldquo ;old idea if some food is advantageous to the health ,taste must not be too good .&rdquo ;George joined the Seasons in 2007 52,is responsible for monitoring the restaurant from test market began to enter the chain operation .
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&rdquo ;&ldquo ;George said ,we find the cook delicious and healthy food .&rdquo ;different development route and so why would these health food pioneer now began to cut a striking figure ?As more and more American city and state forced on the menu marking the nutritional content of &mdash ;&mdash ;currently in New York ,Oregon ,California and several cities have enacted laws ,there are 15 statesare discussing the proposal is &mdash ;&mdash ;ray Poole that consumers eating habits are a fundamental change .
&ldquo ;now people walking into Starbucks will realize a small cake contains 500 calories,they will turn away .&rdquo ;ray Poole said ,&ldquo ;they will find the fried onion ball-flower heat was high up to 2100 calories,and then to reconsider his choice .
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Torres TARNOS ( Darren Tristano ) does not determine the mainstream market is ready to give up a delicious steak to eat turkey meat roll .He used a Boston EK similar low calorie food chains UFood Grill as an example ,the shop had planned to march on Chicago ,but last summer ,opened less than a year, 3 Chicagochain stores are all closed because of poor performance .
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&ldquo ;1999 Irecommend vitamin drink ,people look at me like I a long face, two nose .The product does not seem likely to become the mainstream .&rdquo ;he said ,&ldquo ;we start region marketing strategy ,focus on New York ,Miami ,Philadelphia ,Boston ,Washington ,Santiago ,San Francisco metropolitan .
Our growth is not a night of cast .EK now has the ability to become a national chain store ?May not .I think 10 years reached 1000 also almost.Consumer habit change takes time .&rdquo ;on the other hand ,Seasons has taken 52different developmentroute ,currently 9 storesperformance mostly has exceeded expectations .
They did not focus on advocating fitness and nutrition problems, but at a mature and consumption capacity strong market :gourmet .&ldquo ;we fully adopt seasonal ingredients ,but also have the ability to get the best raw materials ,for we through the expansion of scale and cost savings ,there is no peer can do .
&rdquo ;George Disney pointed out ,from the world Grill culinary director Clifford .Trandolapril and mixologist George .Merritt ,to high-quality consumer groups have great influence .
&ldquo ;we are aiming at health care food ,love of food and wine ,like to try different dishes .We will ensure the provision of food to your body .&rdquo ;common challenges Treece TARNOS on Seasons 52 impressive,it selects a suitable niche market &mdash ;&mdash ;intelligent gourmet instead of fast food group .
&ldquo ;many restaurants offer seasonal food ,local food or food of low quantity of heat ,but not long-term fixed .He said ,&ldquo ;&rdquo ;Seasons 52 development speed is veryslow ,in the past five years really strict adherence to the principles of his own .
They have very good potential for development into an occupied the market mainstream brand .&rdquo ;this is the biggest challenge facing the two enterprises ,many years of operating catering chain enterprises finally awake ,aware of the consumer need truly healthy dishes to choose from ,rather than 1500 caloriesuper salad .
At the beginning of the year, Applebee launched a series of 550 caloriesentrees ,other casual dining chain probably will also follow suit .However, in many cases ,the restaurant will only according to the existing menu to do simple adjustment ,prominent low calorie food .
As Corner Bakery ,this shop is only to be less than 600 calories offood are singled out columns together .Nevertheless ,the superscript 1000 caloriesburger and next to 450 calories ofshrimp rice salad means that there is a temptation ,it makes EK and Seasons 52 suchenterprises have more advantages .
Ray Poole thinks of other restaurant chains more attention to count calories ,there will be more people choose EK ,help it to all of the United States of america .Ray Poole said ,&ldquo ;along with the popularization of knowledge and information dissemination network ,healthy diet trend will not fade .
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