
Cheap Coach BagsDear Diary

Dear Diary, June 8th

The Hyuga has been watching me again. I can tell he’s suspicious, but, this time, not only me, but my team as well. He’s been watching Tai Lee, Midori, Kiyoshi, and even Kale all closely—but mostly me. It’s almost like he’s examining us, like we can’t be trusted, almost as if he KNOWS what we’re planning. Of course, that’s not possible because for starters he doesn’t know where we go/are for the majority of the time while we are at the Noble House and when he does know, we try to act as emotionless as possible. But eve then, he still watches with close eyes… VERY close eyes… It almost has me wanting to threaten him again not to try anything while he’s here… almost…

Only 2 more days ‘til the plan of action. To tell you the truth,Coach Bags, diary, I’m starting to get a little nervous; I’ve been nervous before but not as nervous as I am now. Of course I have to hide my nervousness—and most of my emotions for that matter—so the plan can be a success. Great shinobis do not let their emotions hold them back… hence the greatness of that shinobi…

I’m still trying to decipher my dream and see if Neji really is the boy from them, but so far, no luck. I remember bits and pieces of the dream, but it’s becoming hard to remember it exactly. The other part is that I haven’t the dream again or dreams like it since the one with the little boy in it. (Sigh) Well, that’s about it for today diary so I think I’m going to call in early (and it’s only 9 o’clock!) for tonight because I’m actually able to this time (seriously,Coach Bag Sale, I haven’t been able to go to bed this early in a while). So I’m just going to relax and meditate for a while before going to bed.


Sleepy and relaxed,


Dear Diary, June 9th

You know what diary, for going to bed early last night, I feel like crap. You’d think that it would be nice to get more sleep and go to bed early—and it is—but for some reason it felt like I couldn’t fall asleep almost like I was wide awake… I guess it could be because I’m not used to going to bed that early or that my nerves are going crazy with the anticipation of tomorrow’s plans… It could be either one, but I’m pretty sure it’s more of my nerves than anything else.

I’ve got to go train now so I’ll write to you tonight.


Tired and nervous,


Dear Diary, Still June 9th

Everything is finalized for the plan tomorrow. Tai Lee and Kale will be helping my clone as well as setting up for the ball, Midori and Kiyoshi will make sure that the Leaf shinobi do not leave the ball or go wondering around too far, and Diana will make sure to keep an eye on Lord Nobody and her twin sister Luna-tic for anything suspicious. Meanwhile, I’ll be hiding in the Royal Library tomorrow night and the next day, waiting for my chance to steal the sacred Miyazaki scroll. I just hope everything goes as smoothly as planned… that is if the Hyuga doesn’t get any smart ideas and ruins everything!

The Hyuga was very quiet today… too quiet if you ask me. He still had that suspicious look in his eyes, but he wasn’t saying anything. I can’t help but to wonder why? Not only why he keeps looking at us suspiciously,Cheap Coach Bags, but also why was he silent? Why doesn’t he turn away when I catch him staring? Why does he watch us like we’re about to do something wrong? Why does he keep looking at me like he knows me? Why when he looks at me I can’t help but look back? Why are his eyes so memorizing? Why do I continue to think about him even when he’s not in the room or there’s nothing relative to him around? WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHY THIS HYUGA IS STARING AT ME???

…Oh ya that’s right, it’s because he may be the boy from dream and he may have my necklace. But that still doesn’t answer half of the questions I just wrote down from above and more…

Mostly, I just want to know why when I stare at him and he catches me staring, I look away and he smirks as if it’s predictable… But what makes that so predictable?

Confused and puzzled,


Dear Diary, June 10th

Well diary, I wont be writing in you ‘til I get back so wish me luck! I’m going to need it to get out of the Royal Library. I guess I haven’t really told you what I was planning on doing once I got out of the library—which I guess would be obvious but in this case it’s not.

After I “borrow” the sacred Miyazaki scroll, I’m going to go to my waterfall and hide the scroll in the waterfall (Just so you know diary, the waterfall is still frozen this time of year and it doesn’t melt until around mid-July. So the scroll isn’t going to be wet, it’ll be frozen). The reason why I’m hiding it there is because if Lord Nobody decides to blame me for stealing the scroll, he won’t have any proof because it won’t be in the Noble House. Plus, I can’t think of a better place to hide it than in the waterfall because nobody even knows it exists (well except for me of course). I can always sneak out of the Noble House at night and go to the waterfall and train with the Miyazaki scroll until I learn the sacred jutsu. It seems like a logical and grand plan to me and hopefully it is…

Anyways, Midori and Kiyoshi took the Leaf shinobi out shopping for dresses and suits. You must be wondering why not kimonos and yukatas, diary, well in the Snow Village—since we are far advanced in technology and also the cultural capital—we have beautiful silk dresses that are to die for in other lands and villages. Don’t get me wrong, we still have kimonos and yukatas because we still are traditional in our customs, but kimonos and yukatas are reserved for the higher class. The higher class meaning: the royals, the leaders of clans, the Yukikage, and the nobles of families who aren’t shinobi. So, I’ll give you one guess whom is supposed to be wearing kimonos and yukatas… Yep, Princess Whiny, Lord Nuisance, and Diana. But, I’m sure that Princess Whiny will get her way and try to wear something showing and Lord Nuisance won’t even notice his one daughter’s provocative ness while Diana is sitting there looking as uncomfortable as ever…

(Sigh) It’s times like these that I can’t wait until I’m leader of the clan because then I can wear my dress and tiara that my parents gave to me as my 6th birthday present. I know tradition will require me to wear a kimono but that doesn’t mean I still can’t wear it.

Well, I’ve got to get going so I’ll write to you when I get back.

Wish me luck!

Nervous and anxious,


I closed my diary and put it back into its secret place before taking a deep breath and exhaling. Today’s the day. I got off my bed and went over to my sliding glass door to look out at the snow-covered mountains. I continued to look at the mountains thinking through the plan once more.

I am going to go do my normal routine with serving Princess Whiny her breakfast than go train for a little bit. After training, I’m going to grab my stuff for the overnight invasion and hide in Diana’s room. While I’m hiding in her room, I’m going to create a clone to take my place, then Diana is going to have my clone go to the Royal Library and pick up a book for her while I sneak in behind my clone. Once I get into the library and find a good hiding spot, I’ll be free to roam and check out the situation with the sacred Miyazaki scroll. More than likely, the scroll will be under high security so I’ll have to think of a plan for the following day.

“It’ll work,” I reassured myself as I went to do my daily morning routine.

~At Princess Whiny’s room~

“Oh my gosh, Hanako. Did you see the Yuga that’s staying in the Noble House? He is so hot! And his story about how he became blind is so sad,UGG Boots,” Luna-tic kept on going on and on about the Hyuga ever since I came into the room. It’s really starting to piss me off.

“But,UGG UK Sale, of course you haven’t seen him because you never pay any attention to any hot guys. You always block them out like they’re worthless,” Luna-tic continued her babble while trying to insult me.

“That’s because they are worthless,” I defended.

Luna-tic gasped at my statement. “How can you even stand before me thinking like that, Hanako? Well, I’ll have you know that hot guys certainly are not worthless. In fact, they are good for a lot of things—“ Luna-tic trailed off.

I rolled my eyes knowing what she was going to say next. I didn’t even have to ask for her to tell me what they are good for…

Sex, all hot guys are good for sex. It doesn’t matter what kind of personality they have just as long as they have a big one to screw you with,” I felt like I wanted to hit my head against a wall just from hearing her say that.

“Do you have any other reason why hot guys are not worthless?” I asked between clenched teeth trying not to strangle her dumb blonde neck.

She looked at me as if I were crazy then got a thinking look on her face; and from the way she looked while thinking, she was thinking too hard. Her face lit up meaning she probably thought of at most one other reason.

“Well, of course there’s more than one reason. They’re also good for buying stuff that you want. And also kissing, and making other guys and girls jealous, and taking nude pictures so you can stare at them like eye candy, and blah blah blah blah…” Luna-tic kept rambling on about how hot guys are used for self-centered purposes, while I just stood there blocking her annoying voice out.

“…So you see, Hanako,” she said my name as if I was a little child, “Hot guys are used for a lot of things, but mostly they’re just there to get what us—as girls—want,” she concluded as she finished her breakfast. “Now, run along, but don’t go getting any ideas about stealing my Yuga. Now go,” she dictated. I left the room, glad to be finally out of there.

~At training grounds~

I watched as Tai Lee and mini me fought each other at full strength. Since both are only able to use Taijutsu, it was interesting to watch; not just because of only using hand-to-hand combat, but because they were using different means of tactics that I’ve only seen used a couple times.

They stood at opposite ends of the training field heavily panting. Then, they both collapsed at the same time making this the 5th time they’ve tied.

“It’s a tie!” Green Spandex Man exclaimed from the side of the training field.

Mini me stood up with a determined look on his face. “That was a superb match Tai Lee, but I will beat you next time! I don’t care how many times we tie, but I will beat you!” he exclaimed breathlessly to Tai Lee who was standing up with the same determination in her eyes.

“I have to agree that that match was intense, but I have to disagree that you will beat me next time because it will be I who beats you!” Tai Lee also said breathlessly.

“Then we shall train harder than ever to out do each other!” Mini me said with fire in his eyes.

“Agreed!” Tai Lee said with the same ambition in her eyes. Green Spandex Man started sniffling from the “youthful” display of his student and another shinobi.

“That’s the spirit! You two will be the greatest shinobi of your village one day!” Green Spandex Man encouraged with a thumbs up. They both looked at him like he was the most amazing person ever.

I sighed as I leaned off the tree and called to everyone, “All right, training’s over. Let’s head ba—“ I didn’t get to finish because of a certain Hyuga boy interrupting me.

“Wait. I want to fight,” the Hyuga said with a determined voice as he stared directly at me.

I turned completely towards him now, waiting for him to say something more, but nothing came. So, I raised my eyebrow asking a silent question.

His stare turned into a glare. “I want to fight you, Hanako,” he said my name with malice.

My questioning gaze soon turned into one of hatred. I walked out onto the training field; ignoring my better judgment to fight the Hyuga. I knew that fighting him would be a waste because it would just end up the same way as last time, but something in the back of my mind told me that I had no choice but to fight him.

I passed the Hyuga bumping shoulders with him; signaling that I wasn’t happy. I felt him smirk as he turned around and watched me make my way over to the other side of the training field. I turned around and faced the still smirking Hyuga. My glare intensified as the Hyuga got into his fighting stance.

The Hyuga didn’t even wait for the Green Spandex Man to say start. He threw several kunai knives at me but I simply dodged them by cartwheeling to the side. After I recovered, he began to throw more weapons at me, rapid fire. I again, dodged them with ease.

Seriously, if he’s just going to throw weapons at me this whole time, then what was the point in even fighting me? I got tired of this weapon nonsense so I jumped into the air to try and perform hand signs, but he still kept throwing weapons at me; and this time, I can’t move because of being in mid-air.

I activated the Miyazaki clan kekkei genkai—which makes my iris’s disappear so now my eyes are all white—and held out my hand as if to stop all the weapons. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the Hyuga watching me with his Byakugan activated and questions in his eyes. I smirked as I focused my chakra into my hands and eyes and commanded the weapons that were thrown at me to stop.

I felt the familiar electric current running from my brain, down my spine, to my left shoulder, down my left arm, and into my left palm fusing with my chakra; creating a magnetic force. The weapons stopped in mid-air still pointing at me, then I quickly sent them back towards Neji giving him a taste of his own medicine as I started to lose altitude and fall back to the ground.

Neji stared at the weapons in shock but recovered before his own weapons could impale him. He jumped to the side and skid on the ground still staring at his weapons in disbelief, but when he looked at me, that disbelief soon turned into understanding. Understanding? Why did he look like it all finally made sense?

As I land on the ground with my Miyazaki kekkei genkai deactivated, he stood up and did a few hand signs, “Air Palm!” What looked like a wave of air was coming towards me and quickly. I moved out of the way just in time before my eyes began to glow and I ran towards him with my right hand in a fist behind me while snow was building around my fist. To make sure he doesn’t move, I made the snow melt around him and freeze his feet in place.

Of course, he didn’t realize he couldn’t move until I was about 10 feet away. He looked up with wide eyes as I brought my fist up and was about to pummel his face with a pile of snow.

I stopped. My snow fist was literally inches away from breaking his nose, but I stopped. I stopped because realization struck me. The understanding in his eyes just moments ago was because of my kekkei genkai. Not the one I currently have activated, but the Miyazaki one… He knows…

My kekkei genkai deactivated from the sudden information and the snow fist melted into water creating a puddle below my fist. Luckily I recovered from the sudden information or else the Hyuga would have seen my shocked face, and I’m pretty sure he would have figured out that I knew he knew. I drew back and walked calmly as possible back to Midori, Kiyoshi, and the others.

“Training’s over. Let’s go!” I yelled as I walked passed my teammates and the Leaf shinobi. I felt everyone’s questioning gaze on my back as I continued to walk away. I started getting irritated, but I didn’t let my bad side show; I didn’t want them to see me when I’m angry.

That little sneak! I should have seen what he was doing the moment he started throwing weapons at me instead of Ninjutsu. He was probably practicing with that Bun girl for him to get that many weapons. He wanted to see more of what I could do, and the only way he could close enough to me was by fighting. What’s worse is that he knows what the Miyazaki clan kekkei genkai does and since I just used it, he knows that I’m apart of the Miyazaki clan now.

Damn it! Why didn’t I see that? Oh yeah, I know why, it’s because I let my stupid ego get in the way of my better judgment. Ugh! Now whenever I see that Hyuga, he’s going to have that stupid smirk on his face because now he knows my last name! Shit, of all the times to not listen to my conscience, of course I chose that moment!

Well, good thing I won’t be seeing him for the next day and a half. My clone will and I’ll just have to tell my clone to avoid talking or encountering him at all costs.

~Later in Diana’s room~

I was sitting in Diana’s mini library staring at the stained glass window remembering the myth behind its colorful ensemble. Diana was preparing everything with my clone while telling her about the plan. In fact, Diana already made sure that Lord Nuisance knows that my clone will be going to the Royal Library to pick up a book for her. But, what she didn’t tell him was that I was going to sneak in with my clone and hide in there until the Library closes. Then I’ll think of a plan to get into the part of the Library that holds the scroll.

Diana peeked her head into the room, “She’s ready to go.” I got up off the chair and walked out of the room into Diana’s bedroom. I saw my clone there waiting for orders from me.

“All right, Diana went over the plan with you right?” I asked my clone making sure she knows what to do.

“Yes, I’m going to go to the Royal Library and pick up a book for Diana. Meanwhile, you’re going to sneak in behind me and stay hidden in the library ‘til tomorrow night when the ball is going on. While the ball is going on, I’m going to take your place and do everything and anything that Lord Nobu and Luna tell me to do,” she finished.

“Good, and you remember what I told you?” I asked with a little anxiously.

“Yes, don’t talk unless spoken to, and if I don’t know or have an answer, then pretend like I’m ignoring them. If it’s Lord Nobu or Luna then just heed to their every word and try not to upset them. If it’s Neji Hyuga, or Neji Yuga, then avoid him at all costs,” she answered.

I nodded my head and looked at Diana. “You’re right, she’s ready.”

~At the Royal Library~

I watched as my clone walked up the marble steps to the large wooden doors of the Royal Library while being watched by the guardians. I jumped from tree to tree trying to get high and close enough so that the guardians won’t see me enter through the upper portion of the doors. Well, I got close enough but just barely; I saw that my clone opened the door with no ease and swung it so it was wide open. I took the chance and swung up over the sentries guarding the doors and into the upper portion of the doors close to the ceiling before the doors closed.

Luckily, I knew that there was a balcony level in the Library that was close to the doors. So, I used chakra in my feet to keep myself on the wall and walk up onto the balcony. On the balcony, I crouched down low so nobody could see me if they happen to look up. I know that there is a storage room up on the balcony that the librarians only use as a cleaning supply room. I also know that they never use it and they always leave it unlocked. That’s where I’ll be hiding.

I got to the storage room door and slowly and quietly opened it and snuck into the pitch-black room. I set my stuff down before going back over to the door and opening it just enough to look out. When I looked out, I saw my clone checking out a book for Diana. I closed the door again and grabbed my stuff. I went over into the darkest corner of the closet just in case one of the librarians did come in here.

I sat down and sighed. The plan was in action. Now, it was a waiting game…

Hope you like it! Sorry for the long wait but hopefully the length of this chapter will make up for the wait! Plz rate and message!

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