
Moncler Online ShopNathan's P

Nathan's P.O.V.

I waved at my mom and dad before entering the school building. Classes would start in about ten minutes, giving me enough time to go to my locker. My locker was at one end of the school while my classes were at the other, which was just a bit inconvenient. I went to my locker and put away the text books I wouldn't need until later.

As soon as I closed the locker, Stephanie came to me. Stephanie was a thin girl who was a bit shorter than me with blonde curly hair. She was one grade above me and I hear people talk about her often. She's also my girlfriend apparently. "Hey, Nathan,Monster Beats Solo, we still good for Friday night?" she asked. "Um, yeah." I said. "Cool." she said before putting her mouth to my cheek. "See you, cutie." she said before walking away.

This was just confusing. I think what she just did was some sign of affection, because I see my mom and dad do it often. After my mom had explained to me what I needed to know about 'relationships', I immediately regreted accepting Stephanie as my 'girlfriend'. I wasn't interested nor prepared for that kind of... stuff. Sometime after the date this Friday, I would, as my mother had said, 'break up' with Stephanie.My mom said that Stephanie originally asked me to 'go out' was because she liked me more than a friend. I don't get it, I barely even know her!

I went to my first class which was in a room that was colder than the others due to the heater being broken. My first class was always science, and I found it pretty easy. Some other students found it easy also, but they didn't seem to take what they know even further like I have. And then there are some who don't understand it at all and even say they hate science. I don't see the problem.

I was the first to arrive in class and Ms. Cucinato,Dr Dre Beat, our science teacher, was setting something up on each table. "What are we doing today, Ms. Cucinato?" I asked. "Well, since most of the class has been doing so well, I decided we can start the grade ten lessons. We'll only be doing unit one, however." she said. "And what unit is that?" I asked. "Biology." she said. I was hoping it'd be something new that I didn't already know. Oh well.

"So Nathan, did you finish the worksheets on Lewis diagrams?" Ms. Cucinato asked. "Oh, right, yeah I did. Let me get it..." I said as I opened up my bag. I took out my binder and opened it to the Lewis diagram handouts we recieved yesterday. Ms. Cucinato looked at each of the completed pages and checked off something on her clipboard. "You're the top student of the class, Nathan. Getting nothing but perfect so far." Ms. Cucinato said. "Oh, really? Wow..." I said.

Uh-oh. I better do something to bring my grade down a bit. "Keep this up and you'll go pretty far." she said. "Yeah..." I said as I sat in my designated spot. I only just noticed the frog that was nailed to some kind of tray on the table. "Um, why is there a frog here?" I asked. "The first unit in grade ten biology involves disecting a frog." Ms. Cucinato said. Disecting? Like, cutting it open?!

The bell rang and students began entering the room. Chris, my lab partner, sat next to me. "Woah, we get to disect frogs?! Sweet!" Chris said. "Yo Nathan, I'll bet you already know how to do this, so tell me where to cut it open and what organ is what, alright?" Chris asked. "Um, yeah..." I said. The frogs soon became the center of attention.

"Oh my god, is it like, dead?"

"Sick! I've been waiting to do this all year!"

"I thought you could only disect frogs in grade ten?"

"I didn't know people actually disected frogs, I thought it was just in movies and crap!"

"Eww there's no way I'm disecting a frog, gross!"

"I wonder what it's guts will look like!"

I just couldn't believe we were going to kill and cut open a frog! What did the frog do to deserve this? Then again, I'm not one to talk. I've experimented on mice many times. I never really thought about what I did to those innocent mice...

"Alright, settle down. As you've noticed, we'll be disecting frogs today." Ms. Cucinato started. Some of the class cheered while others weren't so happy. I fidgeted in my stool as I stared at the frog. "Quiet! The only reason we're doing this is because you've all been getting good grades and I figured we might as well start a grade ten unit, which is biology. Disecting these frogs is absolutely nessissary and is worth ten percent of your final grade." Ms. Cucinato said. Many of the students groaned or whined, but there were a few who said things like 'an easy A'.

"Settle down! If you can't behave you will be sent out of the room and get an automatic zero, is that understood?" Ms. Cucinato asked. A few students mumbled 'yes'. "Good. Now are there any questions before I begin instructing you on the assignment?" she asked. One student raised her hand. "Are they already, like, dead?" she asked. "Yes, they were put down already." Ms. Cucinato said.

"Will it like, gush blood when I cut it open?"

"Will it start twitching?"

"Will it start running around like a headless chicken?"

"Alright, quiet!" Ms. Cucinato said. She waited for the class to be silent before she continued. "No, it will not 'gush blood'. Now are there any more idiotic questions?" Ms. Cucinato asked. I raised my hand. "Yes, Nathan?" Ms. Cucinato said. "I'm not going to do this." I said. I think she and the class was surprised because there was silence after I said what I did.

"Very well, go stand in the hall." Ms. Cucinato said, breaking the silence. "Yes ma'am." I said as I gathered my bag and walked out of the room.

*At the end of science class*

The bell rang and the students came out, some complaining about how 'gross' the assignment was, some saying it was 'awesome', others making up lies about how they saw it twitch when they cut their frog open. Much of the class came to me.

"Nathan, why'd you chicken out?"

"You're like the smartest kid, what happened?"

"I didn't think you'd be a p*ssy about it!"

They waited for an answer. "I refuse to do that to an innocent frog." I said. Some guys scoffed and said 'dude it was already dead' while some girls said 'aww!'. "Hey Nathan, do you have a girlfriend?" one girl in my science class asked. "Um, yes." I said. "He's dating Stephanie Foster!" another girl said,Nike Factory Store, sounding a bit angry.

"What?! How'd you manage her?!"

"You're dating a skank,Nike Shoes!"

"Nathan, she's only trouble!"

"You need to turn her down, ASAP,Moncler Online Shop!"

Comments such as these were thrown at me until the students finally left me alone. Apparently there was something wrong with Stephanie and I shouldn't be dating her.

************I wanted to write more but it's late! The next chapter will be the rest of Nathan's day at school. I won't be able to post again until either late (and I mean LATE) tomorrow or the day after, sorry. Rate and message!***********

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