
UGG Clearance Lecturer in economics at the school received the U.S. President replied

lecturer in economics at the school receive a reply 2011-03-22 11:21 the third U.S. president, the sharp appreciation of the yuan would greatly weaken the U.S. by the credit support requirements. The U.S. economic recovery and job creation one of the biggest problems facing the demand is weak. In the strong yuan before the invention of any job opportunities, many rely on Chinese goods (such as Wal-Mart) jobs will be lost. Measure the pros and cons, it may break even. significant appreciation of the RMB
it does not lift the U.S. economy is currently facing difficulties. First, no matter how much the RMB exchange rate, if the U.S. does not dispose of a good vintage of low savings rates, and because the dollar world currency position arising out of negligence on the manufacturing sector and a modest dependence on the financial sector, the United States helpless to solve the great problem of trade imbalances. Yes, Wal-Mart's much product is made in China, but the U.S. trade deficit in terms of the structure is indeed in America. If through the appreciation of the RMB compression method, it is only the hands of China's trade surplus will be forwarded to the rest of the hands of trading partners, the U.S. itself helped little.
Wu Di
thank you letter to me. I hear every day struggling with the crisis of American public worried about the sound. Their stories inspired me to work harder to ensure that all Americans can find work to support families and support communities.
Mr. President, National Bank of China has promised to allow the yuan to float more freely mechanism. China as a responsible big Congress I assume responsibility for global imbalances, a gradual appreciation of the renminbi is not suspense. If not, China will face in the post-crisis era solitary break, this great country and China is not in line with the demands. Therefore, we should trust the sincerity, Guamuxiangdai.
Barack? Obama
5. to help the struggling American families
Fifth, the sharp appreciation of the RMB will force the central government to establish a coordinated basis of society. Manufacturing of large structural depression and unemployment would bring the intense turmoil in Chinese society. RMB appreciation will help the industry chain into the level, but the most populous country, China needs energy-intensive manufacturing workers to solve the employment problem, which is related to social stability, political stability of a big problem, which is China's bottom line. Chinese people's confidence to defend the bottom line should not be underestimated, compared to the liberation campaign, the currency war a lot of money. As the world's first, second largest economy in the currency wars between China and any trade war would be a war as brutal. This situation is favorable to the United States?
Listed below is my government to help hard working American people through this difficult time used in several ways:
second, out of control in the United States did not solve the Prior to fiscal deficit, the United States can not afford long-term U.S. dollar weakening cumbersome policy. U.S. standing in world currency status is the federal government and between the Greek-style debt crisis, the only obstacles. How can a reserve currency if the dollar loses credibility, how will the federal government to settle the debt. Position as a world currency against the U.S. dollar collapse to short speculative giants will be the largest ever congenial feast. Many speculative predators are U.S. citizens,UGG Clearance, but if you have the nationality of speculative capital, then only one of their country, and that is profit.
Yes, Barack Obama, U.S. president. Wu Di, said he was stunned.
recent conflict between China and the spring has been the world's goods onto the edge of a global trade war. Mainstream on this issue on the international financial media are filled with some idea of ​​the political election rehash and chauvinism of the uproar. In this economy even the globe concerning China-US economic dialogue in the future is simply only one voice. In this context, no wonder the Chinese at home and in the U.S. commercial deficit and employment dilemma as important or even unique culprits argument rampant. If the dialogue, only one voice, then embarked on such a dialogue will be the fault of the direction of communication rather than confrontation, the conclusions of such a dialogue will bring damage to both sides of the exchange of results. Right now we say that this thesis is the Sino-US trade war.
Fourth, the strong yuan will be interrupted by the export-oriented Chinese economy into the consumer-oriented process,UGG Clearance, reduced the need for China to U.S. products. At present, China exports to the U.S. to increase the main thing is also the fastest engine, while the U.S. exports to China are mainly satisfied the needs of capital goods production industry. How China's manufacturing slump to the U.S. capital goods exports and employment benefit?
Job creation and economic growth of many Americans face the risk of losing homes. Mortgage crisis, severe to blackmail to achieve the American dream, family stability, community and economic health of all our citizens of the state. There are many Americans get help, but there are far too many Americans can not get the corresponding refinancing loans or transfers. The crisis Qidan significant impact within the context of the national housing prices, but also severe impact on U.S. consumers to obtain credit to buy cars, pay for college Gaohuo entrepreneurship and business skills.
first, Obama wrote back.
The Wall Street reform will give the hard-working American people from the first home buyers or first time parents to send their children to college; to the propriety abide by the laws of small businesses, community banks and credit unions; to waiting for the shareholders and investors in investment growth to a greater sense of insurance. And blackmail by unscrupulous conduct of the business re-run, these reforms will protect the American people will not unknowingly be unfair overdraft penalty rate increase and the impact study will guarantee loans to students to get a definite loan information, will ensure that credit providers operate according to law, do not drill system loopholes, and this reform is still the U.S. consumer loan applications were rejected or raise interest rates in the case questioning their sponsor them free credit rating.
the best private schools in Beijing, China, Department of Economics lecturer young people to do is our passion manuscripts the author, most recently two months, he collected a number of Sino-US currency and business data, want to use these data confirm the U.S. currency wars and trade disputes between the two countries is a blow. Immediately, he had this idea: write to Obama, discusses his views.
Wu Di saw once again, eyes wide open e-mail signature, Barack Obama.
Although the U.S. economic prosperity will take time, but I have enough faith, out of the crisis in the United States more than ever before to enhance large. Thanks again for your letter.
2. to promote the transformation of Wall Street severe
my government is supporting those reasons are not really in the case of credit amount is reduced,UGG Clearance, interest rates were to increase the cost of those. Congress last year with me and passed the The meaning of the Act has designated period in February of this year came into effect, which will ensure the fairness in credit card operations, transparency and accountability. The bill requests the credit card company to pay the credit card holder to understand the time table with the corresponding capital expense. Retroactive effect of the existence of credit terms and interest rates increase suddenly change from being the end of the action.
Because these reforms, the American people will no longer be as irresponsible speculation on Wall Street pay errors. The current never use taxpayer money to rescue the business failed financial institutions. By laying a more powerful, more peace, more full of renovation, more competitive financial system, basic, our country will have a more stable and prosperous future.
Li Dan Kangyi
industry in creating training, my government to focus on the industrial sector can not be outsourced to provide job skills training. Newly unemployed workers receive unemployment aid payments can also be continued post-graduate study or skills training opportunities, including applications for Pell Grants decreased threshold. In order to encourage U.S. companies to create jobs at home, I was abolished forcing companies to outsource some of the tax law, will be replaced by an incentive mechanism to encourage enterprises to employ Americans.
work together and try, we can help more Americans to find, maintain good employment opportunities, and enjoy a quality of life scale.
3. termination of the credit card company's wrongdoing
Wu Di's letter to Obama:
Mr. Wu Di Hello:
RMB appreciation is a gradual process, takes time, but a lot of face time despite their mid- elected politicians do not have stuff, so they have the motivation to find a scapegoat. However, Sino-US association for the U.S. economy, for many American companies, you will leave the four-year presidential term political legacy have a great impact, not easy to die a martyr.
too long, too long, Wall Street firms do not charge for their disruptive behavior, lack of transparency in financial transactions, consumers and shareholders were not given enough information and automatically do the right resolution, the Government has no policy tools for close of business failure of financial institutions, always passive use tax money to save their people. This is why I went to Wall Street before the crisis, financial reform to cry cover the American people and our economy; which is why I am proud to sign for decades has been the most perfect of the financial reform bill, which contains the most in U.S. history consumers to maintain a strict bill.
globalization, multilateral dialogue in which if one does not know, respect and care to the other side of the bottom line, then the truth, vision, wisdom and justice is not bound to be the dominant position, and win-win may be in the friction get lost. A true nationalist must at some level is an internationalist, as a large country can not establish the relative prosperity and stability in its main trading partner and the destruction of the credit collapse on top of those. When the whole world in the post-crisis era to promote the survival instinct of nationalism under the direction of money fighting the edge, to isolate China will cause great damage, and produce very little results. Once again, this time called the United States to stand up to guide global collaboration. In the United States under the trade surplus countries to lure a multilateral currency appreciation, rather than unilateral appreciation of the renminbi to resolve global imbalances is a win-win way, the only way to ensure steady progress of global economic recovery, to ensure the next ten years of free trade and global prosperity.
Wu Di in a letter to Obama said, a true nationalist must somehow be an internationalist, as a large country's prosperity and stability is absolutely impossible to build on its major trading partners and the destruction of those on the credit collapse.
He also said that in the United States under the leadership of the country's multilateral trade surplus currency appreciation, rather than unilateral appreciation of the renminbi to resolve global imbalances is a win-win way, the only way to protect the ability of steady global economic recovery conduct, competence to ensure that the next decade of free trade and global prosperity.
Obama to stand up for our new, my government has taken some major steps. Our economy has resumed growth, and the kind of large-scale unemployment last year, momentum has been very conspicuously reduced. These are the future prospects of a good sign, but I know that all those who can not find work or risk losing homes of Americans who could not bring any comfort. Therefore, we will spare no effort to accelerate economic recovery, promote economic growth, progress, the government's responsibility and transparency.
Your sincere
4. to help building owners
respect Mr. President
these reforms will significantly help the American people and businesses realize their goals.
followed by economic recovery, we must carry on living without help because of unemployment following that family. Every day, I will meet with my economic staff to ensure that we go all out to create good jobs, help the American people to support their families and achieve their American dream.
your sincere

