
UGG Tall We stock special lecturer in public salon dark horse Zhang Yun lead teacher shares and shar

We stock leading public salon special lecturer Yun dark horse shares and share the nine teacher pool exposure 2011-07-28 11:17 Yun lead teacher July 28, 2011 Thursday, nine black horse shares and stock pond? xml : namespace prefix = o ns = continue to enjoy high-end industry expansion, upgrading and industrial industry as a whole focus on the integration of a huge market space. Trend was independent of the market, the major higher degree of capital control disk, is a typical trend in technology stocks that average long array, the outbreak may have accelerate.
Tongling Nonferrous Metals supply is tight to support high and volatile price of copper and copper as a commodity in the bid, the last two years is more apparent in the form of tight supply, support copper prices remain high. in the second half, despite the global economic slowdown has is true, except the United States are also under way in tightening or continue, resulting in pressure on copper prices, but given China in May of M1 and M2, respectively, year on year growth has dropped to 12.7% and 15.1%, look at historical data, difficult to find this data has been basically at a historic low level in June compared with May data has improved, so we expect the speed of tightening liquidity in China will slow, copper prices will remain high swing resource bottlenecks to be resolved. The company now has the amount of 1.9804 million tons of copper metal, copper mining is about 5 million tons, resource self-sufficiency rate was only 5.85%, significantly lower, the bottleneck restricting the development of the company, must be resolved. The current group of mineral rich in resources,UGG Tall, has about 12 million tons of copper metal, in order to solve the bottleneck of the company's resources, improve the company's core competitiveness, the future into the possibility of very large.
Jiuding new material, the company announced restructuring plan. Company intends to 13.86 yuan / share non-public offering price of approximately $ 25.3 million shares to fund the acquisition of 100% of the equity group Pegasus and Draco compound Bi Hua held 40% stake in Bao. Purpose of the transaction is to achieve Jiuding new material technologies and Pegasus Group furnaces docking project, developed by our company as soon as possible to achieve high modulus, high strength (HME) glass products, industrial production, to achieve competitive advantage in the market. Behind the development of China's high-performance glass, import substitution is huge. High strength and high modulus, fatigue, heat, acid, alkali, radiation-resistant, low dielectric, optical guide dimensions as other high-performance glass is glass in the high-end products. China's high-performance glass fiber glass fiber production capacity accounted for only 6%, far behind the level of 37% abroad; and high performance required for emerging markets more than 60% glass fiber still has to import, develop high-end high-margin products to achieve the importing alternative domestic glass companies will provide a vast space. HME glass is mainly used for wind turbine blades, has a fast growth potential. 50% of high-performance glass fiber used in the field of new energy, new materials are new here, new energy, and move up or doing, you can bargain intervention.
Baoji Titanium Industry, Investment Highlights:
1, will become the iron titanium, aluminum,UGG Tall, after the rise of
2, in China, titanium production, processing of national industrial policy has been supported by countries to promote the application of titanium, set up the production, processing as a key priority to the development and support of the industry. From the titanium industry market, the prospects are bright.
3, the company is well-deserved domestic titanium industry's dominant. According to the National Leading Group Office of titanium to promote the use of statistics, from 1991 to the present, Baoji Baoji Titanium Industry non-ferrous metal processing plant that is now the production of amount of 85%.
4, financial analysis shows that the company's main business income and gross profit was sustained and rapid growth, with stable earnings growth capability, and the main industry is extremely prominent.
5, the current technology trends to follow colored plates, but the intensity of the outbreak is likely to exceed expectations.
Chenzhou Mining, end of last year with the amount of 21.13 million tons of ore reserves, 41,643 kg of gold, gold resources are more abundant. Due to factors such as rising gold price, the company expects first half net profit increase of 300-350%. Antimony mineral resources company is different from other gold stocks of the highlights.
technical point of view the weekly trend of double-dip wings soon.
film Tsai Huang for capital expansion of Pien Tze Huang has not been cause for concern. Exclusive production of traditional Chinese medicine Pien Tze Huang valuable, its prescription process are the State Drug Administration and the State Secrecy Bureau as a national secret, a protected species in traditional Chinese medicine for the country. Pien Tze Huang is the only drug prices without government restrictions, you can raise prices to ensure a high gross margin, gross profit in 2010 reached 67.38% of Pien Tze Huang family, close to some high-end liquor. In addition, the company and South Korea Kesi beautiful poetry collaborative R & D drug company, determined to build China's first drug store, the formation of a new growth point.
CSG's strategic cross-border or extension?
CSG industry chain in three unique advantages we have with the billion Optoelectronics CSG PV), Leybold Tech
touch touch screen), Fu Yao comparison of glass deep-processing glass and found that every one of CSG's assets and business as much as
the industry, no less competitive.
CSG market is still much room billion Optoelectronics, Leybold Tech Fuyao plus the market value of the three companies always
CSG 1.7 times the current market value, CSG has become a super-cap blue chip potential.
CSG's management who hold three chains in the sky dance?
rational management structure arranged the stage, the strategic layout of the written forward-looking script to have the South as the core management team
dance performances of the three chains let us wait and see.
Knopp letter
marketing channels The reform will bring products to improve profitability, the company invested in the first period of 11 years
will gradually show results.
Huashenjituan small doses of radiation research continues, Lika Ting subsequent performance can be expected. Lika Ting 2010 sales revenue of 2083.2
million, an increase of 4.9142 million yuan, is expected to Lika Ting annual sales of more than 800 branches, less than we had four clinical
report published in August 1000 to determine, based on 1200 expenditure estimates, but increased significantly compared to the first half of 291, four
after the release of clinical trial reports have reflected the effects of heavy volume, we emphasize Lika Ting had been significant growth in 2011 should
. now need to pay attention to three points: 1, Li Kating marketing in 2010 for the first time crossed the breakeven point; 2,
2011 is four years will be released Houlikating marketing clinical trials report the first full fiscal year; 3, the company will continue
continue to carry out clinical studies of small doses of radiation Lika Ting way to break through the bottleneck of drug use.
biotechnology industry will become the core business, new products are expected to be launched during the year the company that they want to become a biotechnology heart health medicine nuclear
Enterprise Group, the company biologics plant project in December 2011 put into production, bio-products industry in new product
quantitative determination of oxidized low-density lipoprotein kit drops and freeze-dried recombinant human Epidermal growth factor is expected to be launched during the year along
proprietary business growth and stability, is still the Group's profit pillar. Chinese and Western medicine revenue grew 23.5%,UGG Tall, reaching 156 million yuan, net profit of 21.92 million yuan, is still Group profit pillar. thirty-seven Tong Capsule revenue grew 48.78%, traditional Chinese medicine industry company still
the most anticipated of the species; vitality of the Soviet Union will become the company has a million level product.
there blue too Industries
cloud power in the boat shares the Big Dipper through digital video monitoring victory Precision Engineering UPM technology
must not blindly buy, exchange of operational strategies

