
UGG Outlet By City Council by the city urban planning urban planning and management information plat

Posted :2011-08-26
by City Council by the city urban planning urban planning and management information platform upgrade project (GZIT2011-ZB0198) bid announcement marked the body of information: Guangzhou City Center project bidding information (hereinafter referred to as My Center procurement. Now on the successful outcome of this procurement notice as follows: Name of procurement: by the city urban planning bureau. Second, the procurement Project Name: Urban and Rural Planning Bureau, the city increased by the city urban planning and management information platform upgrade project. Third, the item number: GZIT2011-ZB0198. Fourth, procurement methods: open tender. Fifth, a brief description of purchases: (a) purchase content: by the city urban planning bureau of urban and rural planning and management information platform upgrading projects include: data standards system; planning and management information system (ie, OA system); the original data the OA system project-oriented and migration; OA system integration with GIS; the interface construction. The procurement of products for non-imports (imports refers to China Customs clearance in China and produced in the customs territory of products). (B) the implementation of the Location: Urban and Rural Planning Bureau designated by the city location. (C) the duration requirement: six months after signing the contract, the completion of the full functionality of the system development and data migration, etc., in the procurement of one designated location for installation, adjustment test, deploy trial run, organize the preliminary acceptance. 3 months after the trial run organized formal acceptance. After acceptance by entering a one-year warranty. Sixth, the project procurement announcement Date: July 27, 2011; release media: the Chinese government procurement network, the Guangzhou municipal government procurement network, Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology and Information Bureau Network and the Center website. Seven, the assessment information (a) review date: August 19, 2011. (B) review Location: Guangzhou Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Garden Street 2 (E Building, West Park District Guangzhou) Guangzhou City Centre project bidding information on the first floor conference room. (C) Evaluation Committee: Pan century ago, Xiao Fang, Peng Zicheng, Cao Lin, Cao Kaibin. Eight, won the bid evaluation committee based on the information in the procurement document review and assessment of comprehensive assessment methods,UGG Online, the results are as follows: (a) the name of the successful supplier: Information Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou City. (B) the successful supplier Address: Guangzhou Tianhe Software Park Construction Engineering Building, Southern No. 3 Road, North Block, 3rd Floor. (C) the bid amount: 1,185,000.00 yuan; bid service fee amount: 13,184.00 yuan. Suppliers can bid in the bid announcement date through the Center to receive bid notices. Successful vendor must be submitted to receive notice of bid winning service fee has been paid in cash or cash-carrying single original Jinzhang Dan original. The successful supplier in the project contract should be signed,UGG Outlet, the contract to my center, and return the bid bond for the relevant procedures; not successful supplier of bid bond, since the announcement of the bid within five working days from the date of , the center will be provided in accordance with the bidders' bid security declaration letter to pay Cash cash-carrying single must indicate the following: Payee name: Guangzhou City Center project bidding information Bank: Longkou West Bank Guangzhou Branch Account number: 800163582111108 source of funds: GZIT2011-ZB0198. IX matters contact: Purchasing Agent Contact: Miss; Tel :020 -38,825,610; Website: http://www.IT-tender.gov.cn/; Office Hours: weekdays 9:00-12 am : 00 pm and 2:00-5:00 pm. Purchaser contact: Liu Feng Tel :02082642696-803. Guangzhou Information Centre, bidding projects, August 26, 2011

