
UGG Online Free lecturer teaching business Sun Xingjian on the solemn promise ( details )

free lecturer teaching business Sun Xingjian on the solemn promise (details)
Sun Xingjian
Sun Xingjian dedicated marketing professional research, vision is then added in the past decades of research eighteen years of practice, as China's comparative excellent marketing coach. Focus of the study, in order to enhance sales skills, sales team building, win-win business negotiations, bid-based combat, and exploration and strategic marketing.
accumulated for my research, the best way to contribute to the community's quality of instruction, provide students to enable trainees to practice long aftertaste and a positive role in the mission of course is Sun Xingjian.
order to achieve my vision, to complete my mission, Sun Xingjian invited to training in the industry is willing to provide high standards of service training institutions, and solemnly undertakes related matters as follows:
one, not the end-user price !
(here refers to training courses for end users and users of the final purchase.)
Sun Xingjian sponsored Research Center, the goal is not to maximize profit organization, we seek to maximize knowledge creation. Of course, the maximization of the knowledge creation process, the amount of business income is an important condition to maintain the balance. (If the pursuit of profit maximization, Sun Xingjian should return for foreign executives, not for free instructor)
Sun Xingjian, as the industry environment for their own god, drowning three thousand, I take the drink poured Seoul. Contrast with my work to earn money, earn money to maintain laboratory operations, this is my mental expectations.
a high quality of teaching is inseparable from the high-quality customer service, and this service provider is a professional training institutions. Xingjian has no intention of high-tech marketing unable to undertake laboratory research and curriculum design, professional work outside, so we do not accept the end-user inquiry.
For various reasons, the history of Sun Xingjian personal sense of confidence and tried to deal with the old Sun Xingjian individual end users, Sun Xingjian would recommend their preferred agents (training institutions) to service it. (Of course, such as end-user will service requirements of the curriculum training institutions give the degree of sophistication appropriate to apply the discount.)
Second, the only training institution to sell!
as one can not with two, Sun Xingjian ordinary scholar (learners), both want to concentrate on scholarship, professional bodies will be whole-hearted help, only to hours of training in their own institutional sales.
If training institutions committed to an industry or a region committed to a reasonable number of hours, then revolves willing to grant an exclusive license to the region or industry.
three, loyalty to defend the project developer interests! Any links to Sun Xingjian
business customers (training institutions),UGG Online, as long as the reported end-user unit name, Sun Xingjian to ensure strict confidentiality. Once the Sun Xingjian provide hours of commitment to never accept second agency inquiry, offer.
This follow-up of the business end-users, the project developer does not renounce the case, Sun Xingjian and never with other training institutions.
Fourth, integrity quotes, bids do not II!
Sun Xingjian confident instructor is determined by the market value is not determined by the negotiations. Therefore, the Sun Xingjian hours each year to determine a price, year-round.
This training institutions offer, the price level will not get a different priority order, Sun Xingjian will decide whether to take over according to schedule courses offer.
class for more than ten days of the year co-operation partner agencies, Sun Xingjian will increase to send a half-day class (in class paid in free), or free agency to provide carefully customized training courses marketing, real time, or required by the training institutes, provide other value-added services of considerable value.
five, not satisfied, unconditional money-back guarantee pay half of the class!
Sun Xingjian solemn promise, not satisfied for any reason, training institutions can pay half of the class detained without explanation.
reason why not all classes pay, because Sun Xingjian act seriously, each course will be a lot of effort to prepare. Inf, I think you will not because I seek partners to obtain the basic breakeven and dissatisfaction.
the same time, Sun Xingjian that sincere cooperation, based on the balance of risks for the money and conditions. Therefore, the partner agencies need to deposit 50% down payment, deposit Xingjian's trip promises to arrive marked effect. The future, Sun Xingjian will not advance payment with the intention of training institutions.
six, committed to creating long-term win-win situation!
truly effective formula for calculating the profit should be, we both win in the relationship on how much the total profits, rather than a course should make much of a party.
Sun Xingjian believes that the value of cooperation is reflected in low transaction cost, high degree of turnover, and therefore the Sun Xingjian is committed to helping the success of the training institutions. Improve the capacity of training institutions, including marketing, improve end-user learning satisfaction to make repeat purchases and so on.
I hope my training institutions as a strategic resource to develop long-term win-win situation.
In short,UGG Online, Sun Xingjian's vision is to become an outstanding marketing coach, you are expected to support colleagues in line! In addition to these commitments, on the Sun Xingjian any requests or suggestions, please, revolves certainly seriously consider,UGG Online!
more business commitment, while Sun Xingjian personally signed edition available on request, to act as co-attachment, liable.
commitment to people: Sun Xingjian
Date: October 30, 2010 in Shenzhen
perfect space to move to the Sina blog!

